CI testing


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
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You know how you have to go to appts to get testing done, like CT Xray etc before you can get the CI? Does medicate cover the appts? Since Im hiring lawyer since the only way I can get a CI is if my doctor Sumbits a PA request so medicate can't refuse not to pay for it, lawyers have to appeal it which would be all good. It's going to be a month before I even get around to all this because it's a pain and a long process since NC doesn't medicate doesn't cover CI unless I get my doctor to sumbit a pa request form. I was also wondering if you have to pay for your surgery and appt fees?.. For those who has a CI, please tell me all about it since Im deaf in both ears, 100% deaf.

Thanks for your time

I hope I can get CI........:fingersx: