CI Robots?


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Why would some Deaf individuals say that CI patients are robotic? Isn’t CI technology just a way to improve hearing? I mean the person does not change who they are as an individual- their behavior and thinking in the months/years following surgery, right? They don't adapt a more "hearing" type of personality. I would surely think not.

Now, I am not talking about culture but personality. My target here is in the individual and not the group: Personal perspectives and not the accepted values of a culture. I hope I’m clear on that because it’s important to understand prior to replying.

Please keep in mind that I am brand new (kinda) to all this…so forgive me if I caused offense.

I don't have a ci (so any ci'er correct me if i am wrong) but it's not really robotic but bionic "The cochlear implant is often referred to as a bionic ear" " by directly stimulating any functioning auditory nerves inside the cochlea with electrical impulses"

I think it is called bionic because people are being able to hear who haven't heard hardly anything at all or next to nothing these are people who 40-50 years ago even 20 years ago when ci's were not popular yet had to live with their deafness. Now some people don't mind living with deafness and some do. Cochlear Implant surgery is able to bypass wat was not possible before. The ci is a sort of mechanical thing in your head that let's you hear even tho your deaf! wat i said may be confusing..but that's my take on
From stories I've heard from others, some people do change their personality after getting cochlear implant(s). Sometimes they stop associating with their other Deaf friends and can take on an air of self-importance.

I find that very sad and relatively disgusting, but I have heard of it happening. It must be something with some people where being able to hear makes them in some way want to stop being deaf, or just associate with hearing people when they couldn't before.

I don't know why it happens, but I have heard of it happening.

As far as wondering if a CI makes you robotic or less human, I think that's silly - having a CI doesn't change your personality, but some act different once getting it.
I have heard it being said, by the deaf, to be "rebotic" and not "bionic." Of that I am sure.

In fact in the documentary, Sound and Fury, one deaf woman (among other deaf people) says that CI technology would only create robots. Review the video and see for yourself. Robotic, not bionic is the word used.
I have heard it being said, by the deaf, to be "rebotic" and not "bionic." Of that I am sure.

In fact in the documentary, Sound and Fury, one deaf woman (among other deaf people) says that CI technology would only create robots. Review the video and see for yourself. Robotic, not bionic is the word used.

I've heard the term "robotic" used as well. It's just not an accurate description. I think that's what liltalia is trying to say.
I have come back a few times before I posted. I don't feel like a robot. My personality has not changed, except my self-confidence and esteem.

The only comment I get is about my speech and my confidences. Someone said I have a glitter in my eye.
Why would some Deaf individuals say that CI patients are robotic? Isn’t CI technology just a way to improve hearing? I mean the person does not change who they are as an individual- their behavior and thinking in the months/years following surgery, right? They don't adapt a more "hearing" type of personality. I would surely think not.

Now, I am not talking about culture but personality. My target here is in the individual and not the group: Personal perspectives and not the accepted values of a culture. I hope I’m clear on that because it’s important to understand prior to replying.

Please keep in mind that I am brand new (kinda) to all this…so forgive me if I caused offense.


I have met some people who changed after they got their CIs. They have stated that they didnt need Deaf culture and the Deaf community anymore cuz they are part of the hearing world now. It does happen to some people after getting their CIs...they change. Those people that turned their backs to us were of course, called "robots" even by other CI users who still consider themselves a part of the Deaf community. I find it odd.

I dont call them robots....I just think it is sad that those who turned their backs to their deaf friends just like those deaf people who turned their backs on their friend who got CIs. The world isnt perfect, oh well.
I have many friends who use CI, etc. but sorry to say this I do still consider CI as robot, because CI is not natural body. It is man-made material, and put it in the human body is robot. Same with heart/kidney transplant, pacemaker, etc. is robotic material to assist the human body.
no bashing please
I have many friends who use CI, etc. but sorry to say this I do still consider CI as robot, because CI is not natural body. It is man-made material, and put it in the human body is robot. Same with heart/kidney transplant, pacemaker, etc. is robotic material to assist the human body.
no bashing please

U got a good point...

no bashing here too pls
I guess that this the core question: Does CI technology truly (in all earnestly) bring a real danger to the Deaf community: when a few (minority) of its CI members reject the culture?

I have many friends who use CI, etc. but sorry to say this I do still consider CI as robot, because CI is not natural body. It is man-made material, and put it in the human body is robot. Same with heart/kidney transplant, pacemaker, etc. is robotic material to assist the human body.
no bashing please

You might consider a CI to be a robotic device, but a human with a CI does not thereby become a robot. You might call them a cyborg, but calling them a robot would not meet the definition of the word.

For instance, "Robocop" (from the movie) was not a robot, it was a cyborg. Similarly, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker could be called cyborgs, but not robots. R2D2 was a robot, and C3P0 was an android.

(I also noticed you said a heart/kidney transplant makes someone a robot? I don't understand that one.)
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I have many friends who use CI, etc. but sorry to say this I do still consider CI as robot, because CI is not natural body. It is man-made material, and put it in the human body is robot. Same with heart/kidney transplant, pacemaker, etc. is robotic material to assist the human body.
no bashing please

I have a filling in one of my teeth from a cavity, does that make me robotic too? Also, I have six screws in my hand as a result of a severe multiple fractures, does that make me robotic also?

What about breast implants, would they make a woman robotic or fembotic a la Austin Powers?
I guess that this the core question: Does CI technology truly (in all earnestly) bring a real danger to the Deaf community: when a few (minority) of its CI members reject the culture?


Do you realize that the answer depends on the person? I can say no, and another person will disagree with me. I don't believe it does, but there are alot of variables.

My question is this How can the Deaf Community include all person with a hearing loss without isolating anyone? And how can all persons with a hearing loss, for example, deaf, hard of hearing, hearing aid wearers or CI wearers be respectful of individuals within the community without disrespecting the core of the Deaf Culture or each other?
I have a filling in one of my teeth from a cavity, does that make me robotic too? Also, I have six screws in my hand as a result of a severe multiple fractures, does that make me robotic also?

What about breast implants, would they make a woman robotic or fembotic a la Austin Powers?

Breast Implant is not robotic, because they do not make breast to move, they just added something to make it look bigger.

My question is:

What do you call this?

I call this as robotic ankle, don't you disagree?
Breast Implant is not robotic, because they do not make breast to move, they just added something to make it look bigger.

My question is:

What do you call this?

I call this as robotic ankle, don't you disagree?

I dont know why but I laughed at your post. I dont know what was humorous about it but I bust out laughing. LOL!

No offense to anyone..ok?
I have many friends who use CI, etc. but sorry to say this I do still consider CI as robot, because CI is not natural body. It is man-made material, and put it in the human body is robot. Same with heart/kidney transplant, pacemaker, etc. is robotic material to assist the human body.
no bashing please

Er...I disagree.

Taking a look at here is the definition of a "robot"

ro·bot /ˈroʊbət, -bɒt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[roh-buht, -bot] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command.
2. a person who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine manner, usually subject to another's will; automaton.
3. any machine or mechanical device that operates automatically with humanlike skill.
4. operating automatically: a robot train operating between airline terminals.
[Origin: < Czech, coined by Karel Čapek in the play R.U.R. (1920) from the base robot-, as in robota compulsory labor, robotník peasant owing such labor]

There is a distinct difference in what robot means and what bionic means. Having man-made parts in one's body is having bionic parts and makes one bionic. See below for that definition...

From Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

Main Entry: bi·on·ic
Pronunciation: bI-'än-ik
Function: adjective
1 : of or relating to bionics
2 a : having natural biological capability or performance enhanced by or as if by electronic or electromechanical devices <our future may lie not with the bionic man but with natural man —Susan Schiefelbein> b : comprising or made up of artificial body parts that enhance or substitute for a natural biological capability <a bionic heart>

Nobody with a CI, artificial knee, or any other man-made part in their body can be called a robot by definition. They have bionic parts that mimic the natural body parts. If anything, they can only be called a bionic person or better a cyborg. That doesn't make them any less human. The body is just one component to what makes up a human being.

There have been fascinating discussions elsewhere about the nature of being human as pertains to bionic parts. In particular, what percentage of bionic parts in a person makes him no longer human. Micheal Chorost brings this up in his book "Rebuilt".

I take the tack as long as the personality, will, and soul of a person is not altered by these parts, the person is human.
sr171soars, good posting much better than I could say.

I don't like that comment with the picture. That is my opinion...
Breast Implant is not robotic, because they do not make breast to move, they just added something to make it look bigger.

My question is:

What do you call this?

I call this as robotic ankle, don't you disagree?

Actually, no, I would agree. It looks like a robotic ankle. However, I wouldn't call the person (assuming there is more than just legs attached) a robot. Perhaps a cyborg, by definition.