CI Questions


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Apr 23, 2008
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Having just been fitted with a new Phonak Naida in my good ear & not being 100 % happy, this got me thinking about the possibility of getting a CI. Been doing lots of reading & it sounds pretty amazing. Just wondering though, what does the future hold for CI technology? Is there anyone "in the know" out there that could let me know how the three major companies are focusing their r & d resources? For example, I love the wirless capabilities of the Naida & ICom, will CI's ever have bluetooth? (or do they already?) Or are there other new technologies coming out that would make it worth it to hold off on a CI for another couple of years? Just wondering, thanks!
Hi! Did you get any hearing loss? I will get a CI next 2 years later. I am still wear hearing aids but they are not 100% help either. I has 110db. I am waiting on Audiologist call me to ask for hearing re testing soon. That's good question about bluetooth. I wish i would know more about CI. But I am not taking it yet. I am definably CI user will answer your questions. I am asking you a question. Why you're not happy with Phonak Nadia? I just wonder. :)
Pinky ~ I have 110d loss in my right ear, my left is around 95-100. My hearing has gradually been getting worse, more so in the past 3-4 years :(
I really do love the Naida I'm wearing in my left ear, it helps me in a lot of ways. I guess I was expecting miracles :) I would love to be able to understand speech without having to lipread, but that is not for me with HA's. That's why I'm considering a CI. Still thinking about it....
Good luck to you ~ why are you waiting 2 yrs to get your CI?

Pinky ~ I have 110d loss in my right ear, my left is around 95-100. My hearing has gradually been getting worse, more so in the past 3-4 years :(
I really do love the Naida I'm wearing in my left ear, it helps me in a lot of ways. I guess I was expecting miracles :) I would love to be able to understand speech without having to lipread, but that is not for me with HA's. That's why I'm considering a CI. Still thinking about it....
Good luck to you ~ why are you waiting 2 yrs to get your CI?


Because my husband is still in college and need find a best job after graduate. We are plan to have a baby. I don't want to get surgery and have pregnancy in same time. I can wait. We are ready for family. Thank you! :)
Hi, serendipity,

I have recently been implanted with Nucleus freedom, I cannot tell you the difference at the moment as i am not switched on yet. Ok But can tell you what i went through, Bearing in mind this was in UK.

I have similar deafness as you but on the other way round! My left is 120 db no high frequency and right is 95 again no high frequency.

I was transfered to new area, new doctor, new audiologist (previous audiology refused point blank to provide new HA hence change of address and area) When i had my hearing test at the new hospital, i was surprised that my Left had lost more hearing (was 80 -85 db) the new audiologist gave me new aids Sienmens, I went away and tried them... they were no good and at the same time i went to see my new ENT... he said to me have you thought about CI. So i agreed to go for it.

In Jan I was refered to CI centre, they gave me hearing aids trials (i tried Oction, Uniton, Phonak) all no good.

During assessments, you would need to do lipreading/voice test, lipreading only and voice only so they can see how you cope with hearing aids and see how much can you benifit from getting the CI. We had to meet the CI critera.

They will also do MRI/CT scan to see what's your Cochlear looks like, If it's occisfied the lesser chance of you getting them as the surgery would be difficult but Surgeons always will try and get some of the coil in. It's common in menigitis people, or people with deformed ear. Mine was clear and i have all of the electrodes in.

I had ABR (auditory Brain response) its painless and you'll need to be very still/quiet during those time they insert very fine tube into your ear canal and stick 3 electrodes on your hairline. It to tell how much your auditory Nerve/brain responses to the sounds... to be honest it was so weird (soft buzzing sounds) as i "heard" for the first time in my head not at the ear drums!

They may do Balance test as well, I didn't go through this as i don't have problem with my balance.

We would have meeting with other CI users and learn from their experince. I didn't find those helpful because they were late deafen people who already know what sounds are like where as i was born deaf and never heard bird singing... there is huge difference. When i am switched on and is settled in my new life as bionic woman i will make this difference as i would do the talks to help BORN deaf people to learn about my experinces.

During the meeting we also had look and try the processor and look at different implants, We had to choose from Advanced bionics, Cochlear, Med-El. I knew i wouldn't choose Med-El as they weren't around long as the other two and not sure of their reliablity also the processor looked unattractive and straight, and i would loose that remote in a flash or my dog would eat it before i could find it!!. I tried both AB and cochlear.. boy that was hard... did some research.. I chose Cochlear because of it's reliablity, comfort, an extra program and they are easily upgraded even you still have same implant. My Friend had her implant for 11 years and had upgraded processor twice.

I also had the menigitis jab.

As I was under NHS, the surgeon and the Primary care trust had to decide if the CI would be good for me and pay for it. it took about 2 months for them to decide!

The surgery itself, I was under GA for 4 hours and were completely painless, I didn't have any problems with balance, sickness, dizziness, nothing at all i was sitting on my bed straight after being brought back to my room. I was in hosp over night (standard in UK) and went home next morning after xray and with a bag of pills (anti bios, anti inflam, and pain killers)

Yesterday i had my wound checked and xrays checked, the surgeon is very pleased and my scar is barely noticeable! I had it done 2 weeks ago.

My advice to you, Talk to CI users and learn from them, research research research..... ALL the Best of luck.
Having just been fitted with a new Phonak Naida in my good ear & not being 100 % happy, this got me thinking about the possibility of getting a CI. Been doing lots of reading & it sounds pretty amazing. Just wondering though, what does the future hold for CI technology? Is there anyone "in the know" out there that could let me know how the three major companies are focusing their r & d resources? For example, I love the wirless capabilities of the Naida & ICom, will CI's ever have bluetooth? (or do they already?) Or are there other new technologies coming out that would make it worth it to hold off on a CI for another couple of years? Just wondering, thanks!

Near 8 weeks ago, I had operation for 2nd CI. When I got my 2nd CI and it's change my life forever (this is not for everyone). Very different sound than old CI (22 electrical wired). 2nd CI is soft sound and will be change the mapping every each weeks, months and years. Will be took 12 months to learning and practice how to listen the new CI.

My speech is improved, making new friends and ever I meet my man (just one week after the operation :-O ) since after the 2nd CI.

Yes, CI have Bluetooth for mobile only.
Hi Serendipity,

If you have done well with hearing aids until now, then there is a good chance you will benefit from a CI. The CI will sound horrible at first because it's a different medium of sound, but your brain will adjust and use your previous skills to interpret sound. That's why you will have a lot of maps (programs) to begin with, to keep up with those changes, then the need to have a new map will slow down until you just have them once or twice a year. You will likely equal your best with hearing aids and perhaps do even better. I certainly have.

I think that Bluetooth on the CIs itself will be a feature that will come out in the future. At the moment, you can use bluetooth via a neckloop (same with HAs) and this can be done with phones, laptops and MP3 players which are bluetooth capable. As a bilateral CI user, I find it really cool to be able to hear the phone with two ears!

The process as described by Overthepond was pretty much what I experienced. Trials with hearing aids are part of the process to get approval. Doing the words and sentence testing with hearing aids can be useful in helping you make your final decision.
Everyone has given great details. I want to add the future might not be in changing the technology available, but in the surgery itself. My doctor at Vanderbilt Medical Center has developed a device that cuts surgery time from 2.5 hours to 50 minutes. It also decreases the room for error of the placements of the electrodes. It is in the final steps. I see this being available within the next two years.

I have bilateral cochlear implants. I did not gain any benefit from hearing aids and these have completely changed my life. Good luck with research.
do it

Having just been fitted with a new Phonak Naida in my good ear & not being 100 % happy, this got me thinking about the possibility of getting a CI. Been doing lots of reading & it sounds pretty amazing. Just wondering though, what does the future hold for CI technology? Is there anyone "in the know" out there that could let me know how the three major companies are focusing their r & d resources? For example, I love the wirless capabilities of the Naida & ICom, will CI's ever have bluetooth? (or do they already?) Or are there other new technologies coming out that would make it worth it to hold off on a CI for another couple of years? Just wondering, thanks!

how old are you?
do it
it is a fantastic technology
read my post

ask me any question?
I'll help you decide

doctrane :)
Having just been fitted with a new Phonak Naida in my good ear & not being 100 % happy, this got me thinking about the possibility of getting a CI. Been doing lots of reading & it sounds pretty amazing. Just wondering though, what does the future hold for CI technology? Is there anyone "in the know" out there that could let me know how the three major companies are focusing their r & d resources? For example, I love the wirless capabilities of the Naida & ICom, will CI's ever have bluetooth? (or do they already?) Or are there other new technologies coming out that would make it worth it to hold off on a CI for another couple of years? Just wondering, thanks!

You're taking the first steps - Research. ;-) I also want you to realize that CI is not for everyone. There's a select few (even posters on AllDeaf), that do not like it, does not benefit, or just don't want to use it anymore. There's a very small number that has to be reimplanted due to various reasons.

Future - it pretty much can always improve. All three companies are improving in their technology. Mel El just changed their implant into titanium casting while it was porcelain in the previous model. The Freedom BTE model just came out with newer software, SmartSounds2.

All three companies have both pros and cons. It's really up to YOU to decide which ones you want.

Regarding to BlueTooth - read Abbie's blog It is possible that the next generation of CI products will have Bluetooth capabilities.

Keep in mind that the technology for implants has been good to us. Cochlear has been using 22 electrode implants for a very long time. They have tweaked it a little to make it easier to insert (Contour), better comprehension (Freedom Implant does this) etc. AB has improved their implant technology to HiRes90K. 8 Years ago - you would have been stuck with older technology, and I believe they are working on trying to make the Harmony work for those people who were implanted years ago. It's backward compatibility issues. However, I believe it has been resolved, and AB will make sure that any newer models will work with HiRes90K. I'm less familiar with Mel El, they have however, come out with a new BTE model.

Each company has various stages at their R&D. So I really don't have a clue.

Good luck with your research!
Pinky ~ sounds like a good plan to me! I am a mom too so I can understand why you want to wait. Both of my daughters are out of high school now, I feel that the time is good for me to get a CI.

Overthepond ~ thank you for sharing your story, it is very helpful. Getting a CI is such a big thing, I'm glad that you got one. It will be exciting to read about how things go for you after your activation.

Geekchick ~ that is exciting, meeting someone so soon after the surgery, I am happy for you!

R2D2 ~ I hope that they come out with a bluetooth CI. I love using my ICom with my phone & laptop, music is so much more enjoyable now. It would be so cool to have a CI with direct bluetooth. I do worry about the mapping because I would get a CI in the ear I haven't used for years. It would be an interesting experience I'm sure.

Vallee ~ wow, that is exciting that your dr has developed that device. I hope it is available by the time I get my CI.

doctrane ~ I am 48 yrs old, married, two daughters out of high school. I figure I have a lot more yrs to go, why waste them not being able to hear?
Congratulations to you & your daughter, she sounds like an amazing person.

Ladysekhment ~ thank you for all of the info & link to Abbie's blog. It is encouraging to hear about the advancements being made in CI technology. Will have to stay ahead of things when I finally do decide to be evaluated, not sure when that will be!

Sorry to be so long but I wanted to reply to everyone. Thanks for your posts!