Church in Rosemount, MN

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Oct 21, 2004
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Is there any one in MN or nearby WI that would like to visit my church on Sunday mornings? We have a class for the deaf led by a deaf man. He is interested in meeting more deaf people in the area. Right now, our church is in the middle of a contest to see who can bring the most visitors, and if you decide to come, you would be my visitor. There are several people at my church that know sign language. If you come, just ask for Trent, and someone will show you to me. Sunday school starts at 9:30 with my wife interpreting the refreshment time, and then after that, Ray (the deaf teacher) will have is Sunday school class. Please, come and enjoy the fellowship.

Here is a link to my church's website. It can give you directions and service times

First Baptist Church in Rosemount
i would like to go.. but not this month.. maybe Nov sometime
I'm in the area, but I'm not a baptist. Sorry!
babymakerdaddy said:
Is there any one in MN or nearby WI that would like to visit my church on Sunday mornings? We have a class for the deaf led by a deaf man. He is interested in meeting more deaf people in the area. Right now, our church is in the middle of a contest to see who can bring the most visitors, and if you decide to come, you would be my visitor. There are several people at my church that know sign language. If you come, just ask for Trent, and someone will show you to me. Sunday school starts at 9:30 with my wife interpreting the refreshment time, and then after that, Ray (the deaf teacher) will have is Sunday school class. Please, come and enjoy the fellowship.

Here is a link to my church's website. It can give you directions and service times

First Baptist Church in Rosemount


I used to attend this church and it was either Trent's wife or his brother's wife who was just learning asl when I attended there, while he sat in the back of the classroom (not in the sanctuary) glaring at me while I was paying attention to the signing and the sermon. I actually started attending when him and his brother were in college because my aunt attended there and invited me. I attended roughly from 1991 to I believe, 1996, which is when I had had enough.

This is a very far right wing and legalistic church. In other words, you do things the way THEY tell you to, you think the way they tell you to, vote the way they tell you to vote and don't ask questions. I still have relatives attending there (God help them), as I left with pretty much the clothes on my back and nothing else (this church is a battle-field if you disagree). Thankfully, God delivered me from legalism (thou shalt not do this, thou shalt not do that) and all the dreary stuff that accompanies it. There are other churches in the Twin Cities that are either deaf-friendly or are deaf churches themselves. Here is the link to them:

I would be surprised if things have changed now that Pastor Clear is in charge. I do not recommend anyone, especially those who are hoh or deaf to attend there.

Trent, sorry to say, each person is a human being, not a number, which is not what you're taught at PCC or at 1st B. Hyles-Anderson teaches the same thing. Past experience with the church and Preacher...I cannot recommend 1st Baptist Rosemount. And yes, you may quote me.
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I have never attended that church but I do know many wonderful Christians who have graduated from PCC, and they are NOT legalistic, and they do NOT treat people like a number.

That church might not have been right for you but that doesn't mean it is wrong for everyone else. I guess they should be allowed to visit, ask questions, and check it out for themselves.

I only issued what I said as a warning. When a church teaches that they are the only ones that are right and they don't associate with other Christians, that is a cause for alarm. This is legalism; one form of it and I stand behind what I said.
I looked at the church's website. This is their doctrinal statement:

We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, was given by inspiration of God, and is our only rule in matters of faith and practice.

We believe in creation, not evolution; that man was created by the direct act of God and in the image of God.

We believe that Adam and Eve, in yielding to the temptation of Satan, became fallen creatures. We believe that all men are born in sin.

We believe in the Incarnation, the Virgin Birth, and the Deity of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We believe in His vicarious and substitutional Atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross. We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb, His ascension into Heaven, and that He is now our Advocate. We believe that He is personally coming again.

We believe in His power to save men from sin. We believe in the necessity of the New Birth, and that this New Birth is through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith, plus nothing--minus nothing, in the atoning blood of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We believe that this statement of faith is a basis for Christian fellowship, and that all born-again men and women who sincerely accept it can and should live together in peace, and that it is their Christian duty to promote harmony among the members of the Body of Christ, who are walking separately from the world both in theory and in practice.

We believe God has preserved His Word for us today. First Baptist Church uses only the King James Version for all preaching and teaching. We maintain a very firm conviction that the King James Version is God's preserved Word for us today in the English language.
It is the same as my church.

My church is not a "Hyles-Anderson" church but I do have a lifetime subscription to "The Sword of the Lord", which is a good publication.

I see that the church uses Faith Promise Giving for missionary support. That is the same way that our church members support missions.

I see that the church has some of the same guest speakers that my church does.

Of course, even with the same beliefs, each church has its own "personality", and each person has to find the one that fits. Some people prefer small, cozy churches, some prefer large, busy churches. That doesn't mean one is right or one is wrong.
Oh my..................... :-o :eek2:

I used to subscribe to that plagiarized paper. Whew, the hatred that most of those men spewed out! I wonder where even ole Jack Hyles spent eternity. :confused: I have no problem with defining the Bible...that's not the issue. The issues (plural) are far deeper and one would not know what they are until they are subtly ingrained in one's own head. The retired pastor at 1st B, Ed Johnson, idolized the man (JH).:-o I see the problem right there, which I can refer back to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Plus, I never saw any "Fruits of the Spirit" at 1st Baptist-Rosemount, not to mention Hyles-Anderson College or any other church affiliated with them.

As I said in my post, I'm so glad God delivered me from them and their legalistic system. I don't even attend a legalistic church like that anymore, and, near the end of my attendance there, my wallet and checkbook became closed. I posted what I did to warn others not to be fooled or taken in by them. For that, I make no apologies. They're a mean bunch of bastards, but not all of them, some there are nice, but very deceived by the "leadership." The God I serve isn't interested in legalism and man-made rules that they impose upon others. If others choose to attend there and then get hurt by them, all I'll say is "I told you so."
pek1 said:

I used to attend this church and it was either Trent's wife or his brother's wife who was just learning asl when I attended there, while he sat in the back of the classroom (not in the sanctuary) glaring at me while I was paying attention to the signing and the sermon. I actually started attending when him and his brother were in college because my aunt attended there and invited me. I attended roughly from 1991 to I believe, 1996, which is when I had had enough.

This is a very far right wing and legalistic church. In other words, you do things the way THEY tell you to, you think the way they tell you to, vote the way they tell you to vote and don't ask questions. I still have relatives attending there (God help them), as I left with pretty much the clothes on my back and nothing else (this church is a battle-field if you disagree). Thankfully, God delivered me from legalism (thou shalt not do this, thou shalt not do that) and all the dreary stuff that accompanies it. There are other churches in the Twin Cities that are either deaf-friendly or are deaf churches themselves. Here is the link to them:

I would be surprised if things have changed now that Pastor Clear is in charge. I do not recommend anyone, especially those who are hoh or deaf to attend there.

Trent, sorry to say, each person is a human being, not a number, which is not what you're taught at PCC or at 1st B. Hyles-Anderson teaches the same thing. Past experience with the church and Preacher...I cannot recommend 1st Baptist Rosemount. And yes, you may quote me.

During the years of 1991 - 1996 I was at college, except for summer and Christmas breaks. If I was watching anyone during the sermons, it was the interpreter because it was while at college that I learned sign language. As for my wife, I did not even start dating her until 1994, and she never came to Rosemount Baptist Church until after 1996. My sisters-in-law never took a sign language course from our church.

As for being right wing and legalistic - if you call doing what the Bible says and following the teachings found in the Bible right wing and legalistic, then I guess we are. However, any religion can then be called right wing and legalistic. The Catholics teach to do good, live right, go to church, etc. and people follow thier teachings as well. The example of "Thou shalt . . . thou shalt not" comes directly from the Bible (Exodus 20: 3-17). It's called the Ten Commandments. I agree, there are other churches in the area that have deaf ministries. Do they all preach the Gospel - I do not know. I know we do. Our teacher for our deaf Sunday school class (who is deaf himself) believes that the King James Version is the best Bible to use - the same Bible our church uses.

Things have not changed since Pastor Clear has taken over the ministry. We are still going strong, and growing to the glory of the Lord.

I belive that people are humans, and not numbers. Humans with a soul. A soul that will one day spend eternity in either Heaven, or Hell. Our church shows people how they may go to Heaven when they die.

I do hope that whatever church you are attending is on fire for God and winning lost souls for Christ.

If there are any other issues you would like to discuss, please, do so.

babymakerdaddy said:
As for being right wing and legalistic - then I guess we are.

I agree, there are other churches in the area that have deaf ministries. Our teacher for our deaf Sunday school class (who is deaf himself) believes that the King James Version is the best Bible to use - the same Bible our church uses.

I do hope that whatever church you are attending is on fire for God and winning lost souls for Christ.

If there are any other issues you would like to discuss, please, do so.


Hope you didn't mind I dropped the nonessentials; I first read your response while in class yesterday afternoon, so couldn't respond at that time. With that said, one can preach from the Bible and not have standards that even cavemen and cavewomen would have difficulty achieving (called "works", which is what legalism is). As for the KJV, I used to be KJVO. I'm not now because there are people that do not understand or speak King James English. Furthermore, we would need to go back to what the Bible was actually written in and the meanings and definitions to the words at that time, compared to today and what the words mean today. For example, "gay" as in "happy" does not mean that today. I'm not interested in going there now. Secondly, if you preach about "being white as snow" after salvation, someone in a tropical climate would not know what snow is, so it needs to be changed. I'm not interested in turning my responses with you, Trent, into a Bible study, as I've got way too much work to work, studying and my stories that need to be written for the newspaper and for class, so I tend to be brief here when I'm on.

The church I attend is a good one and the pastor's sermon is in transcript form, which is really nice. :)
pek1 said:
Oh my..................... :-o :eek2:

I used to subscribe to that plagiarized paper. Whew, the hatred that most of those men spewed out!
The paper that I get doesn't have anyone spewing hatred.

I don't know what happened to you but you seem to have a lot of bitterness behind your posts.

As I said in my post, I'm so glad God delivered me from them and their legalistic system.
By legalistic, do you mean that the pastor taught salvation by works? Did he teach that people will lose their salvation if they don't follow certain rules?

Or do you mean the church upheld standards of conduct that you didn't like?

What is YOUR definition of a legalistic church?

... They're a mean bunch of bastards...."
My, for a professing Christian you certainly use vulgar worldly language!
Reba said:
The paper that I get doesn't have anyone spewing hatred.

By legalistic, do you mean that the pastor taught that people will lose if they don't follow certain rules?

My, for a professing Christian you certainly use vulgar worldly language!


I edited your response, see above. Also, what "Vulgar worldly language?" I don't see anything wrong there. :dunno:
pek1 said:

I edited your response, see above. Also, what "Vulgar worldly language?" I don't see anything wrong there. :dunno:

"... They're a mean bunch of bastards...."

That is crude language.
"We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, was given by inspiration of God, and is our only rule in matters of faith and practice."

Where does Scripture says it is "our only rule in matters of faith and practice"?
Reba said:
"... They're a mean bunch of bastards...."

That is crude language.

Not anymore crude than what I've heard at the church, as well as what's been implied to me, especially through non-verbal gestures, including the attitude it is spoken. You know, Reba, if you don't know how to read peoples' body language when they speak, it's just as important, if not more so, than what is said. If you're truly deaf or even hoh, you would know this and where to look and what the look is that you're looking for. Facial expressions only tell part of the story, you need to see everything else and get the whole picture. In addition, as I've heard it said, "your attitude determines your altitude."
Daft said:
"We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, was given by inspiration of God, and is our only rule in matters of faith and practice."

Where does Scripture says it is "our only rule in matters of faith and practice"?


Evidentally, they've also forgotten about "The Fruits of the Spirit" in their sermons.
pek1 said:
Not anymore crude than what I've heard at the church, as well as what's been implied to me, especially through non-verbal gestures, including the attitude it is spoken.
Just because someone else is crude doesn't mean you have to be also. Why lower yourself to others' level? It is not necessary, and it is not good testimony.
Reba said:
Just because someone else is crude doesn't mean you have to be also. Why lower yourself to others' level? It is not necessary, and it is not good testimony.

I know what the problem are a little too trusting in the assumption that everything Christian is automaticly good. Sorry, but just b/c something walks in the guise of a Christian, it doesn't mean that it's automaticly good. Fred Phelps claims to be a Christian, but he's filled with hate.
Need I remind you of the televalingalist scandals of the '80's?
You know, a HUGE part of the reason why a lot of exChristians walk away from the fold is that they see rampent hypocrisy,and it disillusiuns them.
A lot of them STILL have faith in a higher power, but they just cannot stand the hypocrisy that is so rampent in organized religion. That's actually why MY parents don't go to church and why they raised us religion neutral.
deafdyke said:
I know what the problem are a little too trusting in the assumption that everything Christian is automaticly good.
I could say that you are too skeptical in the assumption that everything Christian is automatically bad.
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