Christmas Scavenger Hunt 2009 [FREE GIFTS]

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I am still searching for one. By the look of it, it seems to be hiding so deep somewhere in the General Chat thread.
He said it is IN the General Chat Section

I did not see what alex said, "in general chat section". he sadi, "good luck" i assume the whole forum.

cheri found one that wasn't in the general chat section.
I did not see what alex said, "in general chat section". he sadi, "good luck" i assume the whole forum.

cheri found one that wasn't in the general chat section.

Yes Alex did.

The reason I found it in Deaf Events is because that's where Alex told us where it'll be. ;)

You were searching the whole forum for Santa and the Reindeer? Oh my! You poor thing. I'm sorry but that was funny. :lol:
LOL They're both in the first post of some thread in the General Chat forum. Keep looking or I'll keep the money! :giggle:
WoW nobody have found the reindeer or the santa?!! what the heck?! LOL
I m Sherlock Holmes to clue it. :lol:
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Thank you Alex, Frisky Feline and Cheri. :)

Good luck to the members who will find the Reindeer.
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