Choose a cat breed.

jazzy said:
good question, sometime people are doing this for business.

Yes, some are into breeding business for money.

Others, just to put their wares at cat shows as a form of publicity.

Others to keep some breeds from becoming extinct.

Mind you, it's in my opinion.
I had a Persian.. loved that cat but then again... I have a mixed cat, I don't even know what kind she is.. but we bond really well and I'm pretty close to her.. She's actually the the first that I've ever bonded with. When I was a kid, I hated cats. weird, isn't it?
Reba said:
I prefer those kinds of cats for their looks AND personalities. They were the most snuggly, loving kitties. I can find plenty of pure bred kitties thru shelters, families, and rescue groups. It isn't necessary to go to a breeder or a pet shop.

Yes, it's not necassary to go to breeder or a pet shop but pet homes. I really don't mind to adopt any "breed" cats from pet homes, not from breeders or pet shop.

Well, I rather to see after cats's personalities than their looks. The cats have lovely personalities only if you gave them much love and attention. I found 2nd cat at forest last year and adopted her. She was too thin and scared... hiss a lot... It took us time to be patience with her and give her plenty of attention and love to lead her become good and such loving cat with beautiful personailtiy. I still have 19 years old Sussi, she has lovely personality and loving cat.
Miss-Delectable said:
Yes, some are into breeding business for money.

Others, just to put their wares at cat shows as a form of publicity.

Others to keep some breeds from becoming extinct.

Mind you, it's in my opinion.

True... To my opinion, it's an abuse to have breeding the cats for money and cat shows.
Some people who have allergic cat and prefer pure breed cat has special kind of fur.. I forgot what kind of breed. I've seen some people who has one beautiful cat.
But looks ugly ear. (chuckles)

My kitten are 2 from pet shop which it's mixed breed as alley. The owner tries sell 1 kitten female left but no one want her.. It's free kitten I took her one really big that time 12 wks old.. Right now 4 mos old. Looks so looking alike 1 years old.