Children and Speech


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Jun 29, 2007
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I had a meeting this past monday about my son. I want to know if anyone had this problem. o.k. My kids are grown now, but my son still lives with me and he will for the rest of his life, because he is slow(I was sick when i had him) When the kids were small i did everything just as good as a hearing mother would.The school had a problem with my speech because the kids was around me all the time and they became speech delay because of me, so the school wanted them to be around people with normal speech.I remember how bad it felt, but i did what was best for them. Well on Monday at the meeting the people that helps my son said he needs someone to teach him to talk better and they said anyone but me.So anyone at AD had to do the same?
I can't beleive the insensitivity of that comment, either, but if they think he needs speech therapy, then they need to provide it.
I was sort of in the same shoes regarding my 2 year old. The school where he gets his speech therapy always made comments on how it was a good thing that he has a hearing dad and how at least one of us can be a model for "good" speech. I refused to use my oral skills with them cuz they have a strong oral philosophy in their dept so I didnt want them to know how good my oral skills are and use me as a poster deaf person.

That is degrading and pls tell them that they crossed the line with those kinds of comments.

I told the school that what they said was very insensitive and degrading. They have stopped since.
I was sort of in the same shoes regarding my 2 year old. The school where he gets his speech therapy always made comments on how it was a good thing that he has a hearing dad and how at least one of us can be a model for "good" speech. I refused to use my oral skills with them cuz they have a strong oral philosophy in their dept so I didnt want them to know how good my oral skills are and use me as a poster deaf person.

That is degrading and pls tell them that they crossed the line with those kinds of comments.

I told the school that what they said was very insensitive and degrading. They have stopped since.

I know It feels like a slap in the face
I can't beleive the insensitivity of that comment, either, but if they think he needs speech therapy, then they need to provide it.

They are short on funds, so i will have to get someone to come into my home to help him.

The schools should never insult a parent about why the child is delayed in speech. Insted they should have just offered you the resources to help your child to improve the speech..and continue with out the comments that were made. With the ADA law they can not discriminate. So I'm glad they have stopped.
They are short on funds, so i will have to get someone to come into my home to help him.

If they are reccomending the service, and I am assuming this is a human service organization, they are responsible for seeing that the service is provided, not you. If I were you, I would inform them that I could not afford private speech therapy, but they are welcome to provide it. Shortage of funding is no excuse under the ADA. And your son qualifies under ADA if he has developmental delays. I can't believe they are this insulting!
My son has a speech teacher, she wants him to get that extra help at from a family member or a freind as far as paying someone to come and teach Michael (my son) the state will not pay because he has a speech teacher.
My son has a speech teacher, she wants him to get that extra help at from a family member or a freind as far as paying someone to come and teach Michael (my son) the state will not pay because he has a speech teacher.

Okay, I understand the situation now. Sounds like the speech teacher just wants someone to do her job for her.
He has to see her two times a month for about an hour each time in her class.
I can't beleive the insensitivity of that comment, either, but if they think he needs speech therapy, then they need to provide it.

Right!! The school should have done an evaluation to see if he is qualify for speech, instead of talking this way to you. That was very low of them.
Originally Posted by pepsiwoman
My son has a speech teacher, she wants him to get that extra help at from a family member or a freind as far as paying someone to come and teach Michael (my son) the state will not pay because he has a speech teacher.
Okay, I understand the situation now. Sounds like the speech teacher just wants someone to do her job for her.
All they are asking for is extra help. That applies to any child that is having trouble. I don't see it as the speech teacher wanting someone to do her job as much as its asking for extra help outside the classroom. The same would apply to ASL wouldn't it? If the child is only exposed to language inside the classroom then they will most likely learn (language) at a slower pace. I do agree however that this should be covered under ADA laws. Maybe the Ray Graham association can offer some financial assistance. I can sympathise with this situation because I think hearing parents of deaf children are kind of in the same boat when they are not proficient in sign language. That is not to try and compare the two because I fully understand it's going to be eaiser for a hearing person to learn to sign that it would be for a deaf person to learn to speak. The comparison is only with regards to the exposure to language.
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He has to see her two times a month for about an hour each time in her class.
Whoa... That dioesn't seem like much to me. Maybe Jill is right... why not step up the speech classes to more than 2 hours per month... jeeze!!!