Child leashes

That reminds me of "What would you do?" TV on ABC channel. I think a small toddler is OK but not a 7 years old child... So, here is...

Kids Put on Leash, Tied to Pole, Treated Like Dogs - ABC News

That is definitely gross misuse of a child harness and 'leash'! I strongly protest that kind of behaviour from a parent. :mad: (If they are old enough to go to a preschool or school, they should not be in need of such a harness or leash even when properly used)
That is definitely gross misuse of a child harness and 'leash'! I strongly protest that kind of behaviour from a parent. :mad: (If they are old enough to go to a preschool or school, they should not be in need of such a harness or leash even when properly used)
I hope you realize that "What would you do?" is a "setup" to see how people would react to situations. This was staged.
Hopefully most parents use the leashes/harness properly/respectively.
School age child no way cos they should be old enough to know how to behave and not get into danger. Under school age (under 4) be more acceptable because they really young and more likely to run ahead and get into trouble/danger/lost than older ones does. Also it depends HOW you use it and when you use it. Use it proper way and not abuse it.
In video the narrorator says "Child harnesses can be very helpful in keeping kids safe when they are toddlers or have special needs." But the show does take things to the extreme just to show how people react to things, and to try to GET people to react.
I think it's very silly. I would not treat my child like a pet. Heck no! Its just very wrong to see your child on the leash.
I am not against them. I would rather a child be safe over than anything else.
I saw that one "What Would You Do?" episode.
As many others have stated, I really think it DEPENDS on exactly how the leash/restraint is used, particularly in relation to age and what circumstance. I think if going to a very congested enviroment like a very busy mall, or festival, with a toddler and the adult actually moves with the attached kid and interacts with them, that's one thing. If the adult uses it as punishment, as a way to do what THEY want, or actually ties the kid out with it, even if only for a second, then that crosses the line.
I actually had a student who was on a leash and left in a doghouse. He had to eat out of a dog bowl. SO sad.

I hope someone reported it to the Department of Social Services. Just out of curiosity, what happened to this student after reported it to the DSS?... Poor student!
The leash I used attached to the child's wrist.. Also at time I had just had spine surgery and couldn't pick her up. It was also Velcro closer and she could have taken it off if she wanted to. I got some dirty looks from people but I also got some thumbs up from people too..
I do not do that to my kids! Putting leashes on toddler gives them an excuse to not discipline their own children.

I wish some parents would put a leash on their kids! I had gone shopping and seen kids running unsupervised around the grocery , it not safe and the parents have no idea what their kid(s) are up to! Once a child almost run right into my shopping cart as he was not looking where he was going. That kid should had been on a leash and the parent should had been doing their job!
I used a wrist leash when mine were very young only when we went to the zoo or the mall. Daughter continued to have hers until she was 5 or 6 due to issues with her running off and not understanding why she couldn't. We were reported to DFS for having done this as the response was, Well, if she doesn't want them snatched, then she's doing the right thing. There was a rash of child snatchings during the time period we did this in St. Louis at the zoo. As far as daughter being older and having it, we did that on the advice of the local police department for her safety.
I have use the harness for my son when he was little and I feel safe and worry free when we were in a crowded area. But for a leash on the wrist is not good cuz it can do harm on your child wrist. So I use harness but didnt use it alot cuz I wasnt at the crowd area that much. Most of the time I had him to hold on to the stroller and it help alot.
When I was very little, just learned to walk, I had a stout leather chest harness with a clip in the back for a leash. There was a good reason for it! We were on a pier one day and a man turned to my mother and told her how disgusting it was she treated me like an animal. Quick as lightning, I decided that the END of the pier was a GOOD idea. I had no fear of water and would have leaped to my doom had my 5' all of 100 pounds mother not dug in her heels and gotten a good grip on that leash! She walked away from the man with the parting words "At least I still have a child to attach to that leash." - As I am fond of living, I appreciated my mother for using that harness!
The best creation in the world IF used CORRECTLY. I have 4 little ones under 7 m
And there hyper all at once and when we were crowded areas it was necessary to keep them SAFE I only have two eyes hands and bad ears lol. Also insight my second child is autistic and has to usually have one they call him a runner and escapee. Not only are they great for him they are doctor recommended for some and they make them ESP for them on web sites. My son also has a bracelet that is like a house arrest ankle lock connected to a system at the sheriffs office for emergencies. It's peace of mind and love for your child.
My son also has a bracelet that is like a house arrest ankle lock connected to a system at the sheriffs office for emergencies. It's peace of mind and love for your child.

Never heard of that before. Ive gotten id bracelets and temporary tatoos with id info on them for some of my autistic kiddos before but never heard of something like that. Can you elaborate a bit?
It is a program offered through the sheriffs department in my city FREE if approved I'm not sure what other states have them or what there called just that mine is for my city only but I know other places have them there usually for disabilities including adult alhteimers sp. Where the person is at what they call LOST risk