Chicken Wings ice Cream

I love NASA freeze-dried ice cream.
DIPPIN' DOTS? If you're talking about DIPPIN' DOTS I freaking LOVE those things!
Here you go... have some! :D


DIPPIN' DOTS? If you're talking about DIPPIN' DOTS I freaking LOVE those things!
DIPPIN' DOTS? If you're talking about DIPPIN' DOTS I freaking LOVE those things!

I love Dippin' Dots too but it is not what I was talking about. I was talking about this:

The reason why I brought it up is because I don't think there is anyone else on this site that likes this ice cream. Looks gross right?
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saw sea salt icecream on sale today

Salt-kissed desserts are a 'thing' at the moment. President's Choice (supermarket brand in Canada) used to do a salt-kissed duce de lece (spelling?) chocolate brownie.

Or: a brownie with caramel and chocolate and chunky salt on top. (Millionaire's Shortbread but more badass)

OMG it was good! So they stopped doing it. Now they do Salt-kissed Cheesecake Bits on a Stick or something. I'm scared to try those.
I have never heard of astronaut ice-cream! :laugh2: My stomach hates me when I eat ice-cream so I stick to Soy or Rice ice cream... :ugh: I suffered for Dippin' Dots though! We used to have a stand that sold them in our mall here... They closed down and I was DEVASTATED!!! :cry: I still get sad when I walk by where they used to be... :( WHY DIPPIN' DOTS WHY!?!?!? I'm still on a crusade to find them... :( The banana split one was my favorite even though I loathe bananas... it didn't taste like bananas... :( :ugh:
I just cannot believe some of those names. :lol:

"I just blue myself" and the toothpaste/orange juice.