Chat room?


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the I clicked "Deaf Chat Room" it lead me into google site that is not what Im looking for. Im trying to find where the real-live chat room for deafs.. Do they have?

Thank you for your time,
This thread is a bit very old, but at least you finally got an answer. Thanks for your great patience. :)
This thread is a bit very old, but at least you finally got an answer. Thanks for your great patience. :)

I think he just want to post all old threads to grow his post #####. :cool: It's cool, I have only 6 post left to 1,000! Long way to go. heh is still out of order for a long period of time, so time to declare it dead.

Yes, great patience. Thank you, Andrew for bringing up a dedicate word to suit this thread. :)

So there were not enough interest in deafchat? And I wonder does even its own chatroom? Most other message boards offer chatroom. I think it s great on weekends.
hey everybody!

hi, I'm new here too!! and I'm from brazil. I just wanted to chat with a really deaf person, coz I'm not one! but I really want to know more abt sign langague! In fact I'm studying ASL. does anyone here can help me or advise me!? or introduce me a deaf person! I dont know! hihih.... anything!
