Challenger Tragedy

I would have been three. At the time I had no idea what space travel was. I was just a three year being a three year old. Years later I learned about the Challenger tragedy in school during history class as well as in science class. I watched a movie about the teacher that was on the Challenger, that added a personal touch finding out she had a family and entered the Teacher In Space Contest on a whim not thinking she would actually be chosen as a finalist and found out about it by listening to the radio in her car. She took the mission as seriously as the astronauts and it was two years of work and preparation before the launch date.

My thoughts and prayers are going out to the families of those who were killed in the Challenger tragedy.
On Feb. 20th, 1986 - my wife quit her quality control inspector at Dept. of Defense due to stress from job and fighting with my mom in almost everyday at the same time. Then one week later, the space shuttle exploded and she was thinking that after quitting her job that someone took over her place did not do the job right that caused "O" ring failed as she was not responsible for what happened. There was bad quality control inspector who accept bad parts for aerospace for Dept. of Defense. TSK TSK TSK!!!
i have read that the disaster was caused by someone deciding to save money instead of doing things right in the chance that nothing would happen. Unfortunately that decision was very wrong. It has happened in other disasters and design flaws, but this is a rather big instance of it happening.
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Two threads has been merged. :)
I remember the Challenger as it was yesterday. I was in 3rd grade at the time was glued to the TV as the tragedy unfolds. :(
I was only a baby (less than a year old) when the explosion happened so I do not remember it like I remember 9/11.
I was in class, 7th grade. I never forget this moment! At frist I was confused what my friend was telling me. Teachers brought in the TV in the class room and we watched. My heart broke in million pieces. I was also shocked! RIP to all those people who died.

I was in the 7th grade too. I also grew up in Florida and my mom would wake me and my brother up every time there was a morning shuttle launch so we could watch the contrails from our bedroom window.

In the 7th grade, our family moved to Georgia. We had to watch the launch on tv. It was very very sad.
I was in a college cafeteria and there were 3 crowds looking at 3 televisions that drew my attention. We were confused bit with the news buzz at a first moment, but we then immediately realized what happened. It is still a fresh memory for us many, not feeling like it happened 25 years ago.

The shuttle program was suspended for next few years (3 yrs, I think) before resuming just like it did several years after another boom once again.

There is one or two more left for the shuttle program to operate before closing for good... next one is due in late February, I believe.