Cesar Millan, who is he?

Cane Corso

New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Cesar Millan is a dog behavior specialist, known for his ability to walk large packs of dogs at a time. Not only that, but from poodles to pit bulls, these now well-behaved canines have each been rehabilitated, rescued from a wide range of extreme behavior issues - anything from insecurity to severe 'red zone' aggression!

Born and raised in Mexico, his blessed gift, a primal communion with nature, had always come naturally to him, but his unique connection to canines became most noticeable around the age of 13. Everywhere Cesar went, there always seemed to be a swirl of dogs surrounding him. The locals gave him a nickname, "El Perrero" - Spanish for "The Dogman".

Cesar embraced this gift whole-heartedly, and he came to America to pursue his dream of becoming the greatest dog trainer in the world. He soon realized, though, that he was searching for something rather more profound than teaching dogs basic commands.

Heeding his grandfather's advice to 'never work against Mother Nature', Cesar acquired yet another pack of dogs. He passionately studied books on dog psychology, but it was through his own observation, awareness and first hand experience that Cesar distilled his own formulas that clearly kept dogs balanced, calm, and submissive.

The Dog Psychology Center is a 2-acre facility used to rehabilitate and maintain the dogs' natural state of equilibrium. More importantly, it is also a place where dog owners are educated and taught how to responsibly fulfill their canine's physical, psychological, and emotional needs.

Cesar's Co-Stars: Profiles of Pack Members – Popeye

Popeye had a tough time before he arrived at the center. His owners used him in illegal dog fights, which eventually resulted in the loss of his eye. After that, they had no more use for him and abandoned him.

Popeye felt vulnerable due to his narrowed view of the world, so he became increasingly suspicious of other dogs. He attempted to intimidate them by approaching them very aggressively, which would almost always result in a fight. And then he started attacking people.

A rescue organization found him wandering the streets of Los Angeles. They had trouble handling him, so they brought him to the Dog Psychology Center. When he arrived, he was pushy, dominant and high-strung. Today, he’s a mellow, trusted member of the pack, and no one gives him a hard time because he only has one eye!

Popeye was recently adopted and can be seen in the episode Power of the Pack from Season Two.

Cesar Millan - DPC Pack Members

Cesar Millan - DPC Pack Members