Cell phones


New Member
Nov 1, 2006
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I have had 3 Sidekicks and now a Blackberry, and stuck with Verizon because of where I live to get good connection..it ranges from $ 150-250 a month. Where T-Mobile was the cheapest and best, but not where I live.
I use my phone for emails, texts and calls, I also have Google Voice for incoming voice messages into text, which is NOT perfect transcription.

I seen iPhone once and it seems to have too many things that I might not need or use..

I would like input from you all regarding types of cell phones, phone carriers.
I have been HOH since age 13 months and 2 times an cochlear implant.

I wished for real time captioning on my cell when talking to anyone. What am I missing with today's technology...
Thanks for your time..