Cat ordered to court for jury duty


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Apr 18, 2004
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Cat ordered to court for jury duty - The West Australian

A pet cat has been ordered to report for jury duty, despite being "unable to speak and understand English".

If the matter was not resolved, Sal the cat would have to report to Suffolk Superior Crown Court in Boston, United States, on March 23.

Owner Anna Esposito said she had told authorities that Sal could not speak or understand English. The cat's vet had even written a letter explaining that Sal was a "domestic short-haired neutered feline".

"Sal is a member of the family so I listed him on the last census form under pets, but there has clearly been a mix-up," Mrs Esposito said.

"When they ask him guilty or not guilty? What's he supposed to say - meow?"

Mrs Esposito said Sal was not suitable for jury duty because he could not understand English, one of the 10 statutory disqualifications preventing people from serving.

Her husband, Guy, said the summons for juror service was a surprise.

"I said, 'Sal, what's this?' I was shocked," Mr Esposito said.

"He likes to sit on my knee and watch crime shows with me but even so he's still under-qualified for jury duty if you ask me."

It is understood that Sal was inadvertently included on the juror list when paperwork was misread at the last census.
Just for fun, if he was my kitty, I'd take him down to the courthouse on the appointed day and let them talk to him. May need an interpreter, though...
That is really weird and rare to have a pet cat for a jury panelist to go in court. It is like having once in a whole lifetime to be order to go for the jury duty. I think it is very amusing and funny for a cat to be able to understand what is going on in the trial, but have no idea of what they were all talking about. Every animals have different language to speak to each other (their kind). :cool2: Also it is cool for the cat to sit on his knee watching the crime shows. Most cats and dogs don't pay much attention unless something is making the programs or commercials interesting to them. :thumb: