CaptionCall phones

I may get it for work. I don't have a land line at home at the moment.
I just seen that on craigslist, someone saying they have a promo code to get them free? Scam?
I just seen that on craigslist, someone saying they have a promo code to get them free? Scam?

Actually, as I understand it, states provide it free. I don't think there is a fee at all. In fact, as another poster stated, it is done by Sorenson as well.
Yesterday, I setup the SIPRelay voice message option on my Sorenson account. Today, I had a friend call the number. The operator connected with me on AIM which was really cool. I believe I could have also asked for a VCO call. However, what really impressed me was the relay operator was going to take the voice message. This is better than CaptionCall, IMO.

For now, I'm going to hand out that number for people to get in touch with me.
look up between and sell 139.00 andriod power
capti phone

I have it and have been using it for several months. I make voice calls for all my appts etc. Haven't noticed a huge problem with the captions...a delay, some are missed but my phone tells me that it's mumbled..I just ask them to repeat it...I also use the caller ID and voice mail which is great! I'm profoundly deaf so it's been a god sent...and my cable company has been great helping set it up etc.
caption call has changed my mom's life!

i am a hearing person but my beloved mom is 91 and a WWII veteran who
had become practically unable to use the telephone. she has hearing aids and we have tried amplified phones and speaker phones to no avail.
it broke my heart to see the frustration and feeling of isolation she was experiencing. in addition of course we couldn't really talk except face to face.
we got the caption call for her and i can't tell you how overjoyed we are!
i joined this site just to spread the news and to let people know it has turned her life around. i can have the most detailed conversation with her now on the phone. no more confused calls from the doctors office or anywhere else. it just makes me cry with happiness, and she is of course thrilled!
i wish you all the very best.