Cant reply and say I love you back what to do?..


New Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Okay let me introduce myself I'm Mariana and I live in California. :wave: I have a boyfriend and he told me I LOVE YOU.. First of all we have been dating for barley a month and he said that. I didnt know what to say and I said THANK YOU.. What do i say next time he tells me that again?.. He definitely is moving to fast.. plz help :ty:
That's a humdinger!...Very awkward whenever that happens, so my guess is that saying "Thank You" is the only thing to say!...but the "L" word, after only knowing someone for barely a month?....It's too easy to run the other way (and I would).

If he repeats the "L" word again, just tell him that he needs to slow down! Could be he meant that he loved ya for the way you were, or what you did, etc., and not meaning that he was "IN" Love with you....Then again the "L" word should not be thrown around like this after only knowing you for a month.
I was with my current girlfriend for a year before I could say the L word. I assume it will be different for each relationship.
You know, everyone have different speed of emotions, in term of emotional attachment with one person. One person can fall in love quickly while other take longer to fall in love with someone. Lot of time in my personal experiences with my past relationship that she always said "I love you" first before I finally says "ILY" back month later. Sometime she just spilled out that she didn't meant to say it that way.... It's more of compulsive reaction that she need to say it. After she said that, I told her that I'm glad that she love me, then I told her that I may take longer to say it back, because I'm very cautious and want to be sure we are truely in love together. I don't want to get any blind sided being in love too quickly.
There are time to time that I hate went somone said "ILY" first, I was like "oh no", but after I explain to her that I can't force myself to say it back to her, or for me to "fake it" to say I love you back, but I told her that I really enjoyed being with her. Told her that I'm a slow emotional attacher. She understood... As relationship carried on, she been waiting and waiting, hoping to I say I love her finally... which I did month later after she said it first. Then she jump in joy.. cuz she was worried that she maybe not good enough for me.

So, for you, he maybe in love with you suddenly, but you can tell him honestly how you feel about him, just say that you still enjoying be with him, but falling in love with each other at the same time? ONe person take little longer than other person... and let him know that. Let him know that he can't expect you to fall in love at the same time he does. You know. So being honest with each other will bring two hearts closer together.
Thank you for your advices. I honestly didn't know what to do but to say thank you and I felt awkward like i was wrong because i couldnt say it back. I honestly dont know if he is in love with me i feel a month is to soon. we've known each other for 2 months which still is to little maybe everyone runs with a different compulsive emotions such as his. But really thank you... I will talk to him and see what he tells me.. :ty:
Thank you for your advices. I honestly didn't know what to do but to say thank you and I felt awkward like i was wrong because i couldnt say it back. I honestly dont know if he is in love with me i feel a month is to soon. we've known each other for 2 months which still is to little maybe everyone runs with a different compulsive emotions such as his. But really thank you... I will talk to him and see what he tells me.. :ty:

I think sometimes people say I love you and don't really mean it. He may like/lust you very much (not being able to keep your hands off each other is the best part of a new relationship :naughty: ) but Love is a term that shouldn't just be thrown around. Sure it's very nice to hear but saying it this soon would almost make me feel like he doesn't really know what it means. I think the best thing to do would be to talk to him and ask him why he said it. That way, he has a chance to explain himself and you can see if he was being sincere or just trying to say something nice. Hope this helps :)
It's not like he asked you to marry him, I don't understand the issue. He likes you and you like him so if you want to stay with him I see no reason to end the relationship.

When you talk to him again don't bring it up. If he asks if you love him too, tell him it's too soon for you to decide.

If you think the guy is a rabbit cooker, then leave him. However, if that is not the case just continue with the dating.

People say a lot of dumb shit when they date!
I didnt know what to say and I said THANK YOU.. What do i say next time he tells me that again?..

It's obvious he is smitten with you,
sadly you with him - are NOT.

You need to be honest most of all before he will be full of hopes about you
and his relationship with you, and you'll break his heart, though...

So, do a honest look into your own heart - do you at least like this guy well enough
to believe you and him have a chance?

If yes, then perhaps "slow down" indeed is the right answer for now...
If not, then maybe it would be better to tell him up front as delicately as you can he means a lot to you but you don't feel the same way about him
as he does about you, sorry...

My girlfriend very early in our relationship sprang the "I Love You" on me one day. I was still going through a divorce and was blocking all emotional feelings. I think she was hurt that I could say it back to her. I could tell from the look on her face. I felt like shit for doing that to her. I can say it now, but I still have a ways to go before I allow myself to fully open up and risk being hurt again. Thank God she is patient with me.