Cannot change a phone billing plan.....


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Let's say a person decide to purchase a phone. They decide to pay for voice plan and text plan only. No messenger, no internet, or no E mails. Ok?

They go ahead and purchase the plan above. Maybe 5 or 6 months later, they decide that they want to have messenger and internet on their phone. They cannot get messenger or internet added to their phone because they already signed a 2 year contract. So therefore, if they want messenger or internet on their phone, they would have to purchase another 2 year contract or pay a fee to break current contract so that they can have a new 2 year contract with messenger and internet.

Is that how it works with most phone companies?
No. Usually, you can add a data plan.

Correct. Usually any "upgrades" (adding anything to your plan) can take place at any time without changing the length of your contract. It's downgrading that may be a problem.
I think that they should get Virgin service for phone and don't need to sign contact. Pre-paid only.
Ask the phone companies. You'd get the best answers from them.
You need to talk to companies and ask for Bill Plan what you want to add something like that. :)
I like Virgin myself and used to have Cricket. Virgin is great for someone that does not need the very latest in phone technology and just wanted a few voice minutes in addition to unlimited text, email and web browsing. I just wanted to same money with something that fits my needs. I have no need to watch video on a small screen or to show off the latest application on the phone during concerts or with friends.

If Virgin is so great for only $25/month, who doesn't more people have them??