Candidate: No single, pregnant teachers in classroom


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Candidate: No single, pregnant teachers in classroom
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 Posted: 7:37 AM EDT (1137 GMT)

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A U.S. Senate candidate who said recently that homosexuals should not be teaching in South Carolina's public schools has added another group to his list of poor role models for children -- pregnant women with live-in boyfriends.

For more, click here.
cjester27 said:
Candidate: No single, pregnant teachers in classroom
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 Posted: 7:37 AM EDT (1137 GMT)

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A U.S. Senate candidate who said recently that homosexuals should not be teaching in South Carolina's public schools has added another group to his list of poor role models for children -- pregnant women with live-in boyfriends.

For more, click here.
I agree. That is why I sent my daughter, and my grandsons, to Christian school.

I will vote for Demint.
What do people's personal lifestyles have to do with the students? The job is to educate the children several subjects including math, english, science, etc. But not their personal lifestyles.

So really, it's uncalled for. Quite unfair if you ask me, singling these groups out of certain employment... (sigh).

It's not nice to judge people.....
Why judge these women? Maybe their bfs wont marry them or live up to their responsibilities. It takes TWO to tango. Why punish only pregnant women whereas the men get off scot free?

We do not know what goes on behind closed doors thus no need to judge.
Quite silly, really, and hypocritical.
I have seen and heard of more perversions in "Christian" schools than anywhere else.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire, if you send kids to so-called "Christian" schools...
How can People judge others? What if they are good teachers? Does that count for the children? :o
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Reba said:
I agree. That is why I sent my daughter, and my grandsons, to Christian school.

I will vote for Demint.

You sickens me! I have aunt who is gay! She had friend who is teacher in Oregon. She also is gay. If you have problem with it, just quit
RustyLastCall05 said:
You sickens me! I have aunt who is gay! She had friend who is teacher in Oregon. She also is gay. If you have problem with it, just quit

Easy, easy... not everybody hold the same opinions. Reba just have different beliefs from some of the other members here. But it doesn't make her a horrible person.

Just different is all.
Banjo said:
But it doesn't make her a horrible person.

That's right, it doesn't....she has the right to speak her opinion if anyone can't handle it then don't read her posts.....

I think she is a good person just like the rest of us!...
RustyLastCall05 said:
You sickens me! I have aunt who is gay! She had friend who is teacher in Oregon. She also is gay. If you have problem with it, just quit

Whoa..take it easy, pal. She is entitled to her own opinions as much as we do, too. This is what makes this Forum very interesting. We learn from other people and sometimes can see from their perspectives.

I understand what Reba is saying but I grew up in Catholic schools and I ve seen priests molesting my classmates for years and years. The priest I grew up with has caused Portland Archidiocese to go bankrupt, the second one in nation after Louisville, KY. I would say half of my male classmates I grew up with in elementary and high schools were molested, even my old boyfriend.

It does not matter whether it is a Christian school or not, this is rampant everywhere.

Bottom line - parents should teach children COMPASSION and RESPECT and know what is wrong from right. If my girls had a teacher who is single and pregnant, I would tell my girls "Yes this is not a good idea because a baby needs both parents but we are not here to judge. God told us never to judge and it is up to HIM to judge, not us to cast spears at."
Banjo said:
Easy, easy... not everybody hold the same opinions. Reba just have different beliefs from some of the other members here. But it doesn't make her a horrible person.

Just different is all.

Well, okay.
cjester27 said:
Candidate: No single, pregnant teachers in classroom
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 Posted: 7:37 AM EDT (1137 GMT)

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A U.S. Senate candidate who said recently that homosexuals should not be teaching in South Carolina's public schools has added another group to his list of poor role models for children -- pregnant women with live-in boyfriends.

For more, click here.

I find it´s unfair to judge anyone like this.

I don´t agree to this: Why?

What if teachers become widow?
What if teachers´s partner leave them for someone else?
What if teachers´s partner killed by kind of accidents.

Is it because of their gays?
It look like that they look after every personatilties instead of check their good school degree?

Sorry to tell you that it´s very disgust because those people are different than us.
They "MUST" getting married to be teacher.
They are not allow to become unmarried mother.

I find it´s very sad.

I´m going to paste your information to forward my co-workers to read them because I never see any rule like this in my life.
^Angel^ said:

It's not nice to judge people.....
:werd: It's not appropriate to be sitting around going "Ooh! She's single and pregnant! OMG!" :eek:
What a world we live in...
It is okay to show our children violence, but not love and compassion.
That is so sick.
Reba said:
If they keep their behavior behind closed doors that one thing. Obviously, if a woman is pregnant and showing a belly, that becomes public, not private.

To the children, the woman is a pregnant woman, not an unwed mother. Having a baby is natural, not unnatural and should be cherished instead of scolded.

The policy should clearly dictates that personal details are not to be disclosed in their classrooms. If a co-worker is a friend, fine with me as long it's kept in the staff room where the children can't hear it.

Unwed mothers are not good role models for the girls

I disagree, I know some unwed mothers and most of them have high moral values to begin with. Pregnancy is not something to look down at, it's to be cherished.

But of course, the society always judge by their looks. Such a shame.
Banjo said:
What do people's personal lifestyles have to do with the students? The job is to educate the children several subjects including math, english, science, etc. But not their personal lifestyles.

So really, it's uncalled for. Quite unfair if you ask me, singling these groups out of certain employment... (sigh).
gotta agree with Banjo there...those people are just too close minded and paranoid with people's personal lifestyles...heck, I know a music teacher in middle school who happens to be a homosexual (or so he acts like one) and didn't get fired for being gay as long as he teaches music to the students.

I believe it is a poor judgement to judge people for who they are, not what they are...and you can't change their personality...only themselves has the right to change.
Reba said:
I agree. That is why I sent my daughter, and my grandsons, to Christian school.

I will vote for Demint.
just because you are sending your kids to a christian school doesn't mean there won't even be any gay people NEVER know. even if the preacher is gay, he doesn't tell that to people but only keep it to himself in privacy...gotta face the REAL world.