Cancer survivor forced to show prosthetic breast to TSA agents during pat-down

"I have tried so hard to do right." -- Grover Cleveland

Are passengers who are subjected to these procedures actually safer, or do they just feel safer. :dunno:
Are passengers who are subjected to these procedures actually safer, or do they just feel safer. :dunno:

Actually I think it's the people on the ground that are safer. While a terrorist may still be able to come up with a way to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb or something like it. I think the patdowns and scanner really take away the ability for a group to turn the plane into a weapon. :dunno:
Are passengers who are subjected to these procedures actually safer, or do they just feel safer. :dunno:

It is just an attempt to degrade the American people into submission.
The group of terrorists are laughing at us for going through with maximum security for the rest of our lifetimes unless they create better screening technology without touching customers. This sucks!
It is just an attempt to degrade the American people into submission.

Exactly! Your basically being bullied to either go through a pat down (by them touching your privates) or going through a radiated photo image machine that takes a picture of you naked. If you refuse either you are fined $10,000. THAT is what I call being bullied to invade MY privacy.

Opt Out of the Airport Scanners for Health and Privacy - We Won't Fly .com

We have the right to protect ourselves.

like I said in a previous post...

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” -Benjamin Franklin
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: I'm visioning an ol' lady having her privates and boobs squeezed, kneeded and pulled.....while she hammers away with her big ol' pocketbook!....Even the men, (any age), getting an erection while having their junk fondled....
President Obama says get new rules for tsa workers,boss and supervisor you would believe it? approve me if you have article to post approve proof?!?