Cancelled a date tonight


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I was supposed to go out with someone, but I cancelled it. I was upset. Here is why:

She had an ex boyfriend who has a criminal background and a woman beater. He is possessive and won't let her date anyone else. She broke up with him last month. HE won't leave her alone. He asked so she decided to tell him that she is going out with me. That made me upset. If I wanted my ex to leave me alone, I would either ignore them or tell them that it is nothing of their business what I do right now. She put herself in hot water by telling him that she is going out with me.

Until she grow a pair, I won't go out with her.
Wirelessly posted

He may have looked through her facebook and read the messages and checked your facebook using her Facebook name.
Reminds me of my ex-gf ex-husband. She was going through a divorce with her husband when I was dating her for 3 years.

He somehow found my email address and emailed me a threatening message to stay away from her. I sent a message laughing at him.

Then he found out I was going to college at RIT and showed up at my apartment on campus while I was at classes. I came back to my apartment with a very nasty warning on written on my apartment door in permanent marker. My next door neighbor across from me saw the guy and recorded everything with his video camera. So I saw it was her ex-husband.

By then I was pissed, I knew where he lived. I showed up at his house with a few Harley Biker friends of mine from Buffalo, NY. Having 15 Harleys riding down this quiet road was very noticeable. I had a key to the house he was in, since it was my Ex-Gf's house. She was living with her mother during the divorce. I pinned him to the floor, I told him to stay the hell away from me or he was going to end up 6 feet under.

In family court, he tried to take my ex-gf's daughter away from her. Saying I beat him. But he couldn't prove it, it was hearsay.

I had evidence to prove he was unfit as a father. I presented the very nasty PM and took pictures of my apartment door along the the video from my neighbor. He lost his right for visitation because of the evidence my ex-gf was able to prove.

After 3 years of being in this relationship with her, we broke up. And went our ways.

I don't care if people send me message via email or what not. But the day you come to my home and attempt to threaten me. It's crossing the line and I will put a stop to it.
I was supposed to go out with someone, but I cancelled it. I was upset. Here is why:

She had an ex boyfriend who has a criminal background and a woman beater. He is possessive and won't let her date anyone else. She broke up with him last month. HE won't leave her alone. He asked so she decided to tell him that she is going out with me. That made me upset. If I wanted my ex to leave me alone, I would either ignore them or tell them that it is nothing of their business what I do right now. She put herself in hot water by telling him that she is going out with me.

Until she grow a pair, I won't go out with her.

Not only did she put herself in hot water , she put you at risk by telling her ex boyfriend about you and that was very wrong of her to put you at risk.
It may be best to forget about this woman all together , her ex boy most likely has friends just like him and it really not worth getting involve with this woman . You should be more concerned with saving your pair of balls .
Sounds like this woman still has unresolved issues and isn't ready to start dating yet.
Sounds like this woman still has unresolved issues and isn't ready to start dating yet.
I agree. If he was an "ex" boyfriend why is she telling him the name of her new date (Derek)?
I agree. If he was an "ex" boyfriend why is she telling him the name of her new date (Derek)?

Maybe to make her ex jealous? I really do not think this has anything to do with the woman being ready to date again. I feel it has to do with the guy she was dating , he is very controlling , and see women as being his property and most men like that do not want any men messing with their 'property '. And I strongly feel at Derek should not get involve in this mess and I hope the woman it able to made a clean break from her ex but if is not easy in abusive relationship . This is why there are safe houses for women trying to get away from an abusive boyfriend or husband. Some guys do not stop until they find their 'property ' .
I was supposed to go out with someone, but I cancelled it. I was upset. Here is why:

She had an ex boyfriend who has a criminal background and a woman beater. He is possessive and won't let her date anyone else. She broke up with him last month. HE won't leave her alone. He asked so she decided to tell him that she is going out with me. That made me upset. If I wanted my ex to leave me alone, I would either ignore them or tell them that it is nothing of their business what I do right now. She put herself in hot water by telling him that she is going out with me.

Until she grow a pair, I won't go out with her.

Are you sure that you want a girl that "grows a pair." :shock:

But seriously, if you are going to date grown women they are most likely going to have an ex. I would have still gone on the date if I liked the person.
Are you sure that you want a girl that "grows a pair." :shock:

But seriously, if you are going to date grown women they are most likely going to have an ex. I would have still gone on the date if I liked the person.

Well, I sort of see it the way you do Tex....but feel it might evolve into a lot of discord with the woman's ex....jealousy rearing it's evil head, ya know?...

If I really liked the woman/man and they were in this type of situation...I would just remain friends until it was completely over with their ex...might be the smart thing to do in the long run.
Are you sure that you want a girl that "grows a pair." :shock:

But seriously, if you are going to date grown women they are most likely going to have an ex. I would have still gone on the date if I liked the person.

Really , even if the woman ex has a criminal background and is a woman beater and told her ex your name? The ex is bound to have friends with the same history as him , you would have to really like that woman.
Well, I sort of see it the way you do Tex....but feel it might evolve into a lot of discord with the woman's ex....jealousy rearing it's evil head, ya know?...

If I really liked the woman/man and they were in this type of situation...I would just remain friends until it was completely over with their ex...might be the smart thing to do in the long run.

Certainly you would have to be careful.
Really , even if the woman ex has a criminal background and is a woman beater and told her ex your name? The ex is bound to have friends with the same history as him , you would have to really like that woman.

True, you would have to really like the person.
You did the right thing. Until she gets a retraining order against the ex boyfriend, she is not ready to date.

Don't worry. There will be other women.

What is important is that now you know what to look for when you meet another one. You learned a valuable lesson.