Can you believe the aumont of snow ????

Yeah, I only have a little bit snow here, but I won't be surprise if there's more on it's way.....

Hey Cheri? will you please, bring your shovel with ya when you come over... :ily:
At the moment there is snow in England, which is rather unusual as the United Kingdom don't have snow annually!

Brrr...... Brrr ...... drinking Horlick to keep body warm!!!
We have had a few snowstorms in R.I., but, the snow level wasn't too bad in my area, but, Northern R.I. got a lot of snow.
Wow... That is a lot of snow.

I love snow, but bad thing about it, smokers always ruining by polluted
their ciggy butts on blanket of snow.
I want everything to stay white and
Wow, that's a lot of snow on the ground! Also, there's about 8.5 to 10 ft of snow on the ground at Mt. Baker ski resort with generally between 6 to 8 ft of snow on the peaks of the Cascade mountain range. Recenlty, there was a good sized storm that brought about 1-2 ft of new snow in 24 hours. It's been raining for 23 days straight in Seattle, 4th most rainiest streak in the history books. Now, I'm in sunny california visiting my parents. ;)
snow?! brrr :cold: i hate snow!!!!!! when i lived in wisc there no snow only cold that it.....and right now in michigan it have no snow right now yiiippeee and plus before i went to pa they have 16 inches of snow ACK! :eek2: