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Originally posted by Banjo
FACT: The MAJORITY of deaf population are not "D"eaf, just "d"eaf.

Yes, true. Many are elderly (age-related deafness), late-deafened adults, and postlingually deaf children. "D"eaf people and oralists are sort of a "minority" in the entire deaf population. However, some people, who are not raised a Deaf Culturist, chose to call themselves "D"eaf because of their beliefs.

The problem here is that people are so brainwashed by this so-called "D"eaf Culture.

I could say the same thing. The problem is that many are brainwashed by the so-called "hearing culture", vice versa.

We have a deaf community, but deaf culture?

Yes, we have both Deaf community and Deaf Culture. In fact, the Deaf Community is made up of DeafCulture. Without Deaf Culture, there will be no Deaf Community, period. It has nothing to with the so-called rules.

In fact, there are "D"eaf people who support the ADA laws but they refuse to admit to being disabled.

I support ONLY some certain portions of the ADA. In all other sections, I'm against the ADA. And guess what? I'm "D"eaf myself.

I believe in breaking down the barriers between the disabled ones and the society.


Deafness is a disability, period!

If you actually think you aren't disabled.

Please do us a favour and don't use the interpreters, don't use TTYs, don't use the ADA laws and anything that is related in assisting us with our deafness.

Excuse me? The real disability is the person's attitude, not the person's physical limitation.

I am Deaf. I do need interpreters and TTYs. I'm legally blind. I do need interpreters, guides, Telebrailles, etc. I'll say that I'm Deaf and legally blind, not "I'm disabled". I am not disabled when it comes to language development. :)
Originally posted by netrox
I have a CI and I still wear it.

"D"eaf is a social concept, not a biological concept. No deaf child is born Deaf.

Most deaf people are NOT Deaf people. Although I am good at being Deaf, I don't think all deaf people should be Deaf.


You are right. *bitting my tongue*

I'm a master at being "D"eaf. And, no way, I don't think all deaf people should be "D"eaf unless they wish to have a part of it.
Ok, now my turn.

I'll give a piece of my mind.

I used to be known as a "Deaf Militant". I'm sure many deaf forum users will say I was, including my own ture husband. I was dead-set against everything what a "hearing-minded" deaf person does, such as lacking of knowledge of ASL, wishes to get cochlear implants or hearing aids. I've loosen up my extremist views during the past year.

I'm still dead-set against CIs in CHILDREN. I no longer care if a deaf adult wants a CI. I may not be thrilled if I hear another deaf adult is planning to get a CI, but keep in mind, the deaf adult is already a grown adult. There's nothing I can do about it. I only can hope that the deaf adult, who is considering about getting a CI, will continue to participate in the Deaf Community activities (i.e. socialization).

No, CIs are not a genocide. It won't destroy the Deaf Culture. I used to believe that CIs destroy the Deaf Culture. When I began to have an open mind about the past and present of the Deaf Culture, I realized something amiss. Hearing aids were invented at least half a century ago and they still haven't destroyed Deaf Culture or ASL. So..to me...CIs are another form of hearing aids. Of course, CI users will disagree with me on this comment, anyway.

Really, it's pointless to prolong ranting and raving about how CIs have a potential to destroy Deaf Culture.
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Originally posted by DeafAlwAyZRawKs
i kno what u mean, Irish Devil Dog.... Its hard to understand.

one of my friend has CI and he hated it because he was proud to be deaf, thats what I like to HEAR! proudness of being deaf! and i am PROUD of being deaf! i love who i am!

People with CI can still be proud to be deaf. They are deaf with or without the CI.

You're messing the real meaning of CI up.

Taz is right, a person who has CI can still be proud to be Deaf. It means if that person accepts that he is deaf, involves with Deaf community, ASL, etc... and also be part of hearing world too. The only thing I don't like about CI is the way doctors tend to influence parents in a way to put CIs in their children without investigating beforehand about all options available. Thats the only sticky thing I find about CIs. But I do respect ppl who have CIs, as it is their choice to have it.
CI's in children

You all are hiding the real potential of CI's in children.

Let's say a child was born blind. There comes a nice technology (which by the way WILL be possible very soon) -- a virtual retina! The parents implant the kid with the virtual retina or whatever it is so that the kid can see again.

Think on this very carefully.

If you were a parent.. you would do it in a heartbeat. You would want your kid to see the world.

Now.. take it from a parent's perspective.

Hearing parents, or deaf parents with common sense will want to have their kid have the best of whatever they can get.

CI's are already proven to work for many children if implanted early. Studies prove it. I don't care if you all had some bad experience 20 years ago or even 10. The point is nowadays the technology and the means are pretty far ahead of what we think it can do. The ideal window for spoken and heard language is from 1 to 5 years old. Once you pass that, it's a lot harder to get that spoken/heard language into the child.

I don't see why you think it's the child's choice. By the time he/she is able to choose, it is a little too late. Parents make choices for children for a reason -- be it prothesis for an arm or an operation to help eyesight or whatever.

In fact I think the phrase is an excuse for trying to hold off the "disappearing" Deaf world. Sorry.

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Originally posted by kuifje75
Taz is right, a person who has CI can still be proud to be Deaf. It means if that person accepts that he is deaf, involves with Deaf community, ASL, etc... and also be part of hearing world too. The only thing I don't like about CI is the way doctors tend to influence parents in a way to put CIs in their children without investigating beforehand about all options available. Thats the only sticky thing I find about CIs. But I do respect ppl who have CIs, as it is their choice to have it.


It all is dependent on the doctor though. Mine does make the child go find other options i.e. hearing aids, or anything else before the CI is considered.... :)

The reason I don't wear CI is because I am adapted to be Deaf. I dont' want to spend the rest of my life to adapt to use this CI. I feel like it is a waste.

That is why it's good to give the young kids CI early in their life so they can spend the next few years adapting to the CI.
Originally posted by DeafAlwAyZRawKs
i kno what u mean, Irish Devil Dog.... Its hard to understand.

one of my friend has CI and he hated it because he was proud to be deaf, thats what I like to HEAR! proudness of being deaf! and i am PROUD of being deaf! i love who i am!

Yeah I'm proud to be deaf!!! I dont wear it anymore becuz I felt it destoryed my deaf pride plus it doesnt work on me anymore. I just don't wanna it new one or whatever on myself.. I just truly hate to wear C.I.

No offend, people who using C.I.
Re: CI's in children

Originally posted by tAzMaNiAc
You all are hiding the real potential of CI's in children.

Let's say a child was born blind. There comes a nice technology (which by the way WILL be possible very soon) -- a virtual retina! The parents implant the kid with the virtual retina or whatever it is so that the kid can see again.

Think on this very carefully.

If you were a parent.. you would do it in a heartbeat. You would want your kid to see the world.

I beg to differ. I can speak for myself at this time. I was born Deaf and legally blind. Unlike you and others on AD, you have never experienced the world of blindness like I have.

FYI, this type of device won't work for some certain eye conditions like mine. I have two different eye conditions. They are congenital glaucoma and Peter's Anomaly. These types are VERY difficult to treat and there's NO cure for them. The only way to "preserve" my eyesight is eye medication on regular basis and regular visits with the opthalmologist. An eye implant won't solve my eyesight problems.

Eye implants may work for SOME and may not work for SOME. They are very much like CIs. CIs may work for SOME and may not work for SOME. This is the hard cold truth here, Taz Maniac.

I did ask my opthalmologist during my last visit (which was in March) to see if there's a specific eye implant or device would help my right eye (which is totally blind) to see again, he told me there's nothing he can do to help my right eye because of the type of eye condition I have. Was I disappointed? No, I was not disappointed because I expected that kind of answer.

I don't think every deaf child should be implanted with a CI as well as I don't think every blind/legally blind child should be implanted with an eye implant because none of the devices is "one size that fits all".

In my opinion, CIs are good for POSTlingually children, not PRElingually children. Although I hate the idea of CIs in kids and adults, CIs are still another form of hearing aids - surgically. Like hearing aids, CIs won't destroy Deaf Culture as most of my fellow Deaf Culturists claim.
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I only can hope that the deaf adult, who is considering about getting a CI, will continue to participate in the Deaf Community activities (i.e. socialization).
I think many of them will. There are some people who buy into the myth that getting implanted means that they get ALL the benifits of the hearing world and who dump the deaf-world, never to return. However from a lot of posts I've seen, many people(especially people our age) just want the best of both worlds....there's nothing wrong with that!

Let's say a child was born blind. There comes a nice technology (which by the way WILL be possible very soon) -- a virtual retina! The parents implant the kid with the virtual retina or whatever it is so that the kid can see again.
Personally I think that people should just learn to live with and adapt to their disabilties, and stop spending so much energy, time and money on a "cure"
Imagine....we could invest more money in cures for conditions that truely DO limit a person, such as scheizophernia, depression (a condition which I have and quite frankly I would FAR much rather be extremely profoundly deaf, blind,(getting no help from glasses, CI or hearing aids) retarded, g-tube fed, trached, with a double colon/ureostomy and with Lennox-Gastualt Syndrome (a constant state of epliepsy) then have to deal with the hell that depression has brought me) MS, Aleizhemier's,Parkinson's, adreneolekeodystrophy (the disease that Lorenzo had in Lorenzo's Oil), Tay-Sachs, severe-profound epilepsy, profound and severe brain injuries and many other conditions!
Also Taz, you're assuming that the implant will give the person 20/20 vison and be able to see like a hearing person.
Just as a CI or hearing aids don't give 20/20 hearing (except in rare cases) and don't transmit sound the way a hearing person hears it, the implant probaly won't be able to give 20/20 vison, unless the person was formally sighted.
I was sure hoping this thread would die but now I got to contradict the stupidity coming from certain people.

Here is the best example...

Originally posted by deafdyke
I think many of them will. There are some people who buy into the myth that getting implanted means that they get ALL the benifits of the hearing world and who dump the deaf-world, never to return.

Well with you as a deaf world representative I wouldnt blame them for leaving.

However from a lot of posts I've seen, many people
Once again you use your limited world as the example for everyone. I swear you need to get outside your 3 block radius and see how real people are living.

(especially people our age) just want the best of both worlds....there's nothing wrong with that!

Personally I think that people should just learn to live with and adapt to their disabilties, and stop spending so much energy, time and money on a "cure"
No one believes a CI is a cure for deafness. Its simply a tool to help hear better. Once you take off the CI the person is still deaf. Dont you even know that?
Imagine....we could invest more money in cures for conditions that truely DO limit a person, such as scheizophernia, depression (a condition which I have and quite frankly I would FAR much rather be extremely profoundly deaf, blind,(getting no help from glasses, CI or hearing aids) retarded, g-tube fed, trached, with a double colon/ureostomy and with Lennox-Gastualt Syndrome (a constant state of epliepsy) then have to deal with the hell that depression has brought me) MS, Aleizhemier's,Parkinson's, adreneolekeodystrophy (the disease that Lorenzo had in Lorenzo's Oil), Tay-Sachs, severe-profound epilepsy, profound and severe brain injuries and many other conditions!

Damn, I wish you would put us out of our misery and just end it.
I see your problem now. You aint nothing but a lazy, pitiful, waste that cant handle life...go take a pill and shut up.

Also Taz, you're assuming that the implant will give the person 20/20 vison and be able to see like a hearing person.
Just as a CI or hearing aids don't give 20/20 hearing (except in rare cases) and don't transmit sound the way a hearing person hears it, the implant probaly won't be able to give 20/20 vison, unless the person was formally sighted. [/B]

You still dont have a clue. Along with current medical research I personally know children now receiving an implant who are testing at 10dbs. Thats a fuck'n whisper. I'd call that 20/20 or better using your analogy. And its not rare...its whats happening now with the latest technology for young children. That group of users who are going to have a hell of a lot better life than your depressed ass. Debating you is making me depressed.
Dumbdyke you really do need to get educated.
You still dont have a clue. Along with current medical research I personally know children now receiving an implant who are testing at 10dbs. Thats a fuck'n whisper.
Cain, I am perfectly aware of how well some kids do with their implants. That doesn't mean ALL kids hear that well with implants. There are still kids who hear at mild-moderate and even worse levels with the CI. There are still oral failures even today! Even at the latest yuppy auditory-oral schools, there are oral failures!
Even if a kid's processor is set at 0 dbs(someone over at Hearing Exchange said they'd met someone at an AGBell conference whose child's implant was set on 0 dbs) or 10 dbs, that doesn't mean that they are able to understand EVERYTHING or EVERYONE all the time! In some places they can understand pretty much everything someone says...but that is probaly not due to the CI being loud. It's due to the fact that virtually EVERYONE who works with deaf and hoh kids has a really good speaking voice.
Teachers, speech therapists, audis, and auditory-verbal therapists tend to enunciate and articulate extremely well. (they tend to have "professoional speaker" voices)
Not everyone in the real world has a "professional speaker voice"
Not everyone enuciates and articulates well. People mumble and have poor speaking habits, so that even hearing people have trouble understanding them!
People have thick accents and so on, complicating things a lot!
Also the child may be able to hear and talk quite well in a typical sitution, but when they are tired or emoitional their comprehension probaly goes WAY down! (espcially if they were deafened before their first birthday)

No one believes a CI is a cure for deafness. Its simply a tool to help hear better. Once you take off the CI the person is still deaf. Dont you even know that?
Yes, I do...however far too many people like you make it seem like "Oh lordy hallilajah! My child is "normal" and can hear just like a hearing person! My child doesn't have to learn ASL and be a begger who sells ASL cards in the streets!" Wrong.....deaf people with hearing aids and CIs cannot hear normally. They can get the gist of hearing, but they will NEVER EVER be 100% hearing!
Lots of kids with CI still have deaf voices, and they still have to have extensive speech and language therapy. Bet you didn't know that most kids with CIs still have VERY significent language delays. As a matter of fact MOST oral deaf people have significent language delays. They may be able to articluate and enuciate well but they don't really grasp the complexities of the English language that well. There are some deaf/hoh people who are really good at English but they are in the minority.(and they aren't nessarly oral. There are Deafies who are fluent in English) It's sort of like the percentage of English-speakers who become fluent enough in French, Japanese, or whatever language to be totally 100% familiar with the syntax and grammer and idoims and things like that.
Cain marko...why the HELL are you here anyway? Just to piss people off? I am not here to bash CIs. I'm actually quite neutral on them. I'm just cautioning on a Monolingal(oral only) education. A big part of the reason why Monolingalism is so popular is b/c of parents who can't accept that their child is deaf/hoh (oh, no my pweshoius wittle baby is not "normal" We can't expose them to sign. Sign isn't "normal") Believe me I know....I went through a LOT of the same stuff(and I see a LOT of parents going through the same stuff that my folks did as a child) as I grew up oral and I didn't get involved in the Deaf Culture until recently. I am not even totally fluent in ASL. (hoping to change that thou)
Cain Marko,

Thanks. You have good points.


I don't see where you are coming from. Many people would not want to be disabled (even worse.. DEAF!), or even in an altered form.

Why deny them the right to have it corrected and live a nearly normal life? You don't make sense.

I'm sorry I HAVE to reply this.

I am totally against CI. Nbr 1 reason, I am not going to implant something to the child's body because its THEIR body. Its something that they have to live up for.

Once ur older and enough to make a good decision, I have no control over because ur older enough and decide whatever the choice u make.

The children, what about them? Eye sight are WAY different than CI. CI u implant something to the brain area. The eyes are being operated on to get it better, that is it. What if the child got into car accident with the parents but the child have to be operated or be in MRI/X-RAYS type of shit to check out something but parents died. How they get the record that fast? The kid is dying right front of doctor's face and theres only way to keep the child alive if they do it immediately. But have to go though operation again to get CI out and then save their life afterward. Just think about RISK in their later on life. I consider it no because I am going to allow my kid grow up and make choice on their own. Their money and their insurance. I am not going to waste my money on the kid who has to go though near-death experiences or they just dont wanted 1.

I had some friends who are being forced into it or a friend who wanted to try out but didnt wanted it AT all. Wasted the money. All I am asking, what would u rather them to do?

I am not talking about pride. I am not talking about culter. I am not talking about any of that.. but pay MORE attention to THEIR rights! What happen to people's rights here? I dont see it at all. Just think about it, that all.

Think again.

I think everyone is. Not "hearing" people arent. Okay. They dont know deaf languages, do they? They have to learn it just like the way they spoke. U know deaf people who had to use their mouth to speak, thats 1 language ADDING to signing. We learn twice than they do then school force us do foreign language, thats 3. What about hearing people, 2 languges. That it!

The balloon POP! Hearing people close their ears. Deaf peeps just look around and laughed at them.

Just think... we are not disablities. I know we have needs... SO DO HEARING PEEPS! They have their own mental needs and I NEVER seen a hearing person who doesnt need something because they do. All of us, I mean ALLLLL of us are disablities.

I'm just bringing up my beliefs and I dont believe JUST deafies and "handicap" (ones with no legs, no arms.. yak yak yak diffy type of problems) that only have problems. Hearing peeps does too. :D Hope u see my point of view.
Hey ShEiLdTaLiSmAn I know youre trying and I commend you for that but with your english grammer skills I wouldnt exactly say you should be taking credit for learning 2 languages yet.

Keep at it.

(not perfect here either "grammar")
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I am not talking about pride. I am not talking about culter. I am not talking about any of that.. but pay MORE attention to THEIR rights! What happen to people's rights here? I dont see it at all. Just think about it, that all.

What rights do children have?

Do they have the right to eat anything they want?

Do they have the right to drive?

Do they have the right NOT go to school?

It goes on and on.

It's your right to decide what you think is BEST for your child, not what the child thinks is best!

A vaccination is a biological implant. You implant modified viruses in their bodies. Don't children have the right to deny vaccinations?

Deafness is a serious condition and it depends on the family, education, and society. I know deaf families who implant thier deaf children. I know hearing parents who sign yet implant their deaf children. The real reason for cochlear implant is simple: they want thier children to have more experiences that come with hearing in their lives.

It's VERY NATURAL for parents to want their children to have the maximum use of their senses and do so at the earliest age. To wait for their kids to grow up and get a new sense will reduce the likelihood that they'll do well with the new sense. We have a biological limit and there's nothing we can do.

That is why more and more studies discover that the younger the child is implanted, the better he does with the implant.

So, like deafdyke said, being Deaf is a sociocultural concept because we have hearing people who are Deaf and deaf people who aren't Deaf. An implantee can be Deaf or deaf. It doesn't matter to me.

Okayyy what about YOUR english grammer? U need help with that also. Everyone isnt pertect ANYWAY so why are u picking on it? This is NOT even into grammer crap. Its about CI so lay off the grammer.
This is not going to change my thoughts because I'll think of this way. The rights, I have different type of rights for my children. Eating and such is their rights. Driving? *laughing* Theres a law for that. Theres different with LAWS and RIGHTS. Think again. :D
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