Bush trying to ban same sex marriage...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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our infamous nazi wannabe president is trying to put a ban on same sex marriage, only because he thinks it's against "reglion" or whatever like that but you know, as a straight person that I am, I believe that everyone has the right to make their dreams come true and President Bush should respect that. If you want to marry someone you truly love, that's part of your dream right? so then make your dream come true when you marry someone! I know it's weird for me to show that topic but I'm just trying to be nice for a change you know :roll: and yes I have a friend who's gay and he's cool..but never really done anything like hitting on me or whatever but he's still cool anyway.

Anyway, how'd you feel about what the President is trying to do? pissed off? disapointed? betrayed? So fight for your rights! It's a long road for everyone who are very different, and takes time to earn our rights as other people and be like other people!

So, good luck fighting for your rights.
I know the feeling steel.....

We're beginning to fight back against the tide of conservatives who want to outlaw gay marriages. I'll name Gavin Newsom as the one who gave the :fu: to Bush and the Religious Right by letting gays get married in San Francisco. The GLBT community is falling heads and heels over and thanking Newsom for standing up for gay rights. Also a semicolon error totally saved the gay marriage progress in San Francisco last Tuesday when the courts turned down 2 petitions from the conservative groups seeking to stop them. Proves that bad English use really made a huge difference :lol:

Watch for some nice little tidbits coming out of Texas in a few days that is going to make Bush totally piss in his pants! I will coment more on it as I find out more news from other Dem sources. However I will keep it to myself for a while until it hits the news media.
Well I'm christian and I dont feel offened when there's some same sex marriage in NC (not sure if there ever was one) But I believe that equality should be in everyone...male, female, black, white, yellow, red, deaf, blind, gay, bi, lesbian, etc...you name it he should accept the fact that it's America and everyone should have equal rights to whatever they want to do and love is the most important thing in the world right? well it's not evil when two people of same sex loves eachother right? God wanted us to love other people and that's what sex same couples are doing also.

Some people just needs to get a grip and accept the fact that it's not gonna kill anyone but it's just LOVE. so, if you are against it, then you dont know real love. know what I mean?

So I'm christian and I believe in equality for everyone with love and respect for the whole world.
Bush cannot do it by himself for ban GLBT marriage. Have to get thru the congress first before pass it to the president for veto or not.
Lasza said:
Bush cannot do it by himself for ban GLBT marriage. Have to get thru the congress first before pass it to the president for veto or not.

Yeah, and additional info, if it is a constitutional amendment in addition to Congress, 2/3rds of the 50 States must pass the amendment before it is law. if 17 out of 50 states doesnt pass it then the amendment is totally dead in the water.

Smart of the Founding Fathers to provide that mechanism in the Constitution to keep Bush and Congress from fucking up the USA furthermore.
if Bush tries that shit its gonna smack of discrimination and u can betcha ur ass that the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and the Lambda Legal team WILL fight and point out it being discriminatory and compare that with the other historical battles -- ie: interracial marriages as 1 example -- in other words -- shit is gonna hit the fan!!!
sablescort said:
I know the feeling steel.....

We're beginning to fight back against the tide of conservatives who want to outlaw gay marriages. I'll name Gavin Newsom as the one who gave the :fu: to Bush and the Religious Right by letting gays get married in San Francisco. The GLBT community is falling heads and heels over and thanking Newsom for standing up for gay rights. Also a semicolon error totally saved the gay marriage progress in San Francisco last Tuesday when the courts turned down 2 petitions from the conservative groups seeking to stop them. Proves that bad English use really made a huge difference :lol:

Watch for some nice little tidbits coming out of Texas in a few days that is going to make Bush totally piss in his pants! I will coment more on it as I find out more news from other Dem sources. However I will keep it to myself for a while until it hits the news media.

You're offense Texans. :nono:
Children of the future Age
Reading this indignant page,
Know that in a former time
Love! sweet Love! was thought a crime.

William Blake, Songs of Experience (1794).
What if Jenna Bush announces that she is getting married to a woman? Will her daddy accept it? That's what I wonder the most. (FYI, she is bisexual)

Bush has to rethink about it.

Way to go, Newsom!! :beer:

:fu2: at conversative bastards!!
whoa do u have link about Jenna Bush is a bisexual?? Love to see it.
Oddball said:
What if Jenna Bush announces that she is getting married to a woman? Will her daddy accept it? That's what I wonder the most. (FYI, she is bisexual)

Bush has to rethink about it.

Way to go, Newsom!! :beer:

:fu2: at conversative bastards!!
oooh good one Oddball! I never knew he has a daughter who is bisexual...(she has a twin sister, also right?)
Oddball said:
What if Jenna Bush announces that she is getting married to a woman? Will her daddy accept it? That's what I wonder the most. (FYI, she is bisexual)

Bush has to rethink about it.

Way to go, Newsom!! :beer:

:fu2: at conversative bastards!!

No it is not something related to Dumbya's girls......

Hint: The one that took his place in the capital.......
Lasza said:
whoa do u have link about Jenna Bush is a bisexual?? Love to see it.

I searched some links about her sexual orientation, but no specific information is there, but i recalled that I saw the photo of her kissing a lady on National Enquirer or other talobid magazine about 2 years ago.
Steel said:
oooh good one Oddball! I never knew he has a daughter who is bisexual...(she has a twin sister, also right?)

yes Steel -- Barbara Bush is her twin sister (if i got the first name right)
illustrator said:
hope to dating her?

ha ha ha very funny!

If Jenna is truly Bisexual gal, what about her parents' reach. Will her sexuality life affect her parents? That's my thought.

by the way, i ain't interested in dating with anyone is celebrity or children of celebrities.
In my opinon, I dont consider presidents as "celebrities"...
Yeah I agree with you there Steel, there's no harm in loving the same sex and other races. Some people should get a grip and accept that there's nothing they can do to change it and move on with their lives.

If Bush TRIES TO BAN the same sex marriage..oh sheesh.. I would fight for the gay, lesbian, transexual and bisexual community to get what they deserves: equal rights as much as straight people and to be happy with their loved ones.

:fu2: to people who tries to prevent the same sex marriage such as Bush. Bush sure is a DUMBASS and needs to be thown out of office in November 2004!!!!!!!!!