Bush pays too much for his own party! :P

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ah yea... if you gave me 100 to help with drinks... then i would use it wisely espeicaly if any leftovers... but 100 is not much... now.. if you gave me 50 mil that would be totally different story.. i would have use it for completely different thing and it definitely will be something that has a purpose to help others some how. i wouldnt spend it entirely on party itself.

im not saying im better than bush... but bush could have prove himself at least once that he actually *gasp* care about us lol
SpiceHD said:
ah taylor but the choice he made is not exactly the best. i mean we are having many issues at the moment... Bush could have use it for better things it just shows me he cares more about himself than people around him. ..

His friends are paying the $50 million. People pay for tickets to attend. It is not Bush's decision. His friends are setting up and paying for the parties. Even if Bush said, "I am not going to any parties," they would still have their celebrations. The only official party that the President is sponsoring is for the military members. I think they deserve a celebration.

I think all the DC area caterers, party supply rental places, parking valets, housekeeping services, chefs, tux rental companies, babysitters, florists, janitorial services, limo services, etc., are not complaining about all the extra business.
Of course he come from wealthy, that is all he knows.
Reba said:
I think all the DC area caterers, party supply rental places, parking valets, housekeeping services, chefs, tux rental companies, babysitters, florists, janitorial services, limo services, etc., are not complaining about all the extra business.

The rest of the businesses are. The federal government considered shutting down all businesses in the DC Metro area, close all traffic, and close many metro stations. Fortunately, it ended up that they'll only close several blocks around the inauguration site and only TWO metro stations.

The new Missouri governor was VERY careful not to spend a lot for his inauguration -- the previous governor spent so much on his 2001 entrance that it really screwed up his term. 4 years later, someone learned SOMETHING!
Bush is too much on making sure that he gets all of glory that he ignores common sense.

50 million is an utter waste of money. Even 25 would have been helluva a lot better than 50 but then again, Bush lacks common sense or dignity or social conscience.

Yes, the money is private and donated but Bush could have say No thanks and I will donate 10 million to this charity or whatnot.

My burning question is: Does he really sleep good at nights with his lack of social conscience???
Meg said:
Bush is too much on making sure that he gets all of glory that he ignores common sense.

50 million is an utter waste of money. Even 25 would have been helluva a lot better than 50 but then again, Bush lacks common sense or dignity or social conscience.

Yes, the money is private and donated but Bush could have say No thanks and I will donate 10 million to this charity or whatnot.

My burning question is: Does he really sleep good at nights with his lack of social conscience???

He should give this 50 million dollars to victims in Asia then everyone will be happy.
Exactly. Even if he is receiving money from private donations, he should have put the money to good cause instead of using it to preen himself and strutting around like some proud peacock. : P Those quotes below are from this article:

The fighting in Iraq has provoked calls for the celebrations to be toned down, as they were during the two world wars when some were even cancelled.

Well, that showed respect for people caught in the past two world wars. But for Bush....does he even tone down his party in respect to Iraq people caught in the war? No......

Yet the partying is being intensified.

It seems to me Bush only wants to gloat and to thoughtlessly vaunt his victory over the Democrats and anyone who had wanted to see him voted out of the office. And he was not even too concerned about how Iraq people feel about him! He says he is religious? He doesn't seem like a very humble guy to me! : P

**Steps down from the soap box**
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Liebling:-))) said:
I second that!

Yes, I'm agree with your comment, Banjo.

This is ridiculous.
...Banjo? ^^;;;

don't you mean cheri?
Toonces said:
Exactly. Even if he is receiving money from private donations...
Bush himself does not receive any money. It is illegal for him to accept private money. Private groups are paying for their own parties that they sponsor. Bush is not allowed to touch the money.
Reba said:
Bush himself does not receive any money. It is illegal for him to accept private money. Private groups are paying for their own parties that they sponsor. Bush is not allowed to touch the money.

How do you know Bush never touched the money? Did you actually saw him not touching the money? Nobody knows but only his private friends, Bush and God knows the truth.
Reba said:
Bush himself does not receive any money. It is illegal for him to accept private money. Private groups are paying for their own parties that they sponsor. Bush is not allowed to touch the money.

Well, shouldn't Bush be saying, "Whoa, that's way too excessive! Too extravagant! Let's use some of the money for inauguration and put the rest to other more important causes...like, impoving education or something!"

But, being wealthy, what do he know? :P
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