Bush’s trip to Europe to focus on Iranian threat

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Pakistan is the only islamic country with nukes. They haven't used it for years either. Iran is not that stupid to use nuke on Israel or any other nation. They know they'll be signing their own death warrant if they do it.

Nuke is a trump card... a double-edged sword. That's why it's the last last last resort... an act of desperation on the verge of destruction.

You FORGOT something else here... it's not the Iranians we are considered but the terrorists are the ones that we couldn't afford to risk and allow them to enrich uranium. I meant that those terrorists could simply steal the uranium there whenever opportunistic.
You FORGOT something else here... it's not the Iranians we are considered but the terrorists are the ones that we couldn't afford to risk and allow them to enrich uranium.

and how are these terrorists going to enrich uranium? It's not something you can do it in some basement with aluminum foil on the wall and the parts from Radio Shack. This type of enrichment requires a team of nuclear scientists, a substantial budget and a huge facility to handle highly radioactive materials. Terrorists have none. Even Osama bin Laden can't do it.
and how are these terrorists going to enrich uranium? It's not something you can do it in some basement with aluminum foil on the wall and the parts from Radio Shack. This type of enrichment requires a team of nuclear scientists, a substantial budget and a huge facility to handle highly radioactive materials. Terrorists have none. Even Osama bin Laden can't do it.

Oh, you think I'm stupid? jeez lol You missed the last sentence in my post before yours... read the last sentence in my last post... I meant that those terrorists could simply steal the uranium there whenever opportunistic.
Oh, you think I'm stupid? jeez lol You missed the last sentence in my post before yours... read the last sentence in my last post... I meant that those terrorists could simply steal the uranium there whenever opportunistic.

yea GOOD LUCK to stealing one! USSR crumbled and its nuclear arsenal was an open door. Al Queda could steal/buy one but they didn't. why? because it's not that easy as you think.

If they ever steal one, you think it's that easy to transport it to a target? You think it's easy to simply put it in your backpack (aka dirty bomb) and walk to the target? :roll:

GET REAL! Please turn off your tv & watching FOX news and then educate yourself about nuclear weapon & terrorism.
Oh Oh! This link came from a pro-palentine blog therefore it couldn't be a trusted source so give me a more trusted source. And yes, I'm a pro-Israel! :D

just curious - are you jewish?
Let's ask yourself as why you oppose EU, USA, Australia, Canada, and some western countries who agreed the same thing to prevent Iran, North Korea, and such rogue states from being able to enrich uranium themselves.

Also that the mid-east is the most unstable region in the world which you couldn't deny that so why should we risk and allow them to do so. That's too :crazy:
Not only Israeli solider attack Palestinians. It is both sides been attack each together. It is back forth. Both will never workout for longtime.

Yes I know...

I would suggest you to check Israelis vs Palestinians.

Israelis vs Palestinians - Google-Suche

PS don't start give shit troll.

Huh? I only gave Vixia4 right and only wondering to myself why some of you demand the source for the proof because I thought you know it.
What is it we supposedly didn't know? That the linked blog is a biased, profane hate site? Well, thanks to your post, now we know that. :D

Well, the pictures in link do not tell lie? If you deny it which mean is you are on Israeli´s side.

I only give Vixi4 right about rape issues because we saw it on the news TV before. Some interview there as well...
Well, duh, we all know that there has been a long-term, constant struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. That's not news. No one here has denied that Israelis and Palestinians don't get along.

Yes, it´s old news to me because it has been like that for a long time. Many Government from different countries tried to solve with them to peace but it doesn´t work on them... I have no opinion about them that´s why I use Israelis vs Palestinians google to leave you all to see yourself because I notice some of posters deny it.
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