Brooklyn baby boy bitten by dog


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Brooklyn baby boy bitten by dog


August 9, 2004

A 3-month-old baby was seriously injured yesterday afternoon when a neighbor's dog bit him, police said.

The boy, whose name was not released, was in front of his home at 60 Clarkson Ave. in the Prospect-Lefferts Gardens section of Brooklyn at about 5 p.m. when the dog, a pit bull mix, attacked him. A 23-year-old man, whose relation to the boy was unclear, also was bitten.

Both victims were taken to Kings County Hospital Center. Police listed the boy in serious but stable condition; the man was in stable condition.

Police arrested the dog's owner, Reina Lopez, 40, who lives in the same apartment building as the baby, and charged her with reckless endangerment.

Animal control officers yesterday took away the dog and three others owned by Lopez. Police last night said that the dog that did the biting had died, though officials did not say how. The fates of the other dogs were unknown.

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.

Sigh, not another one. Feel bad for the boy. I hope he is doing well.
It reminded me of one incident have been spreaded out across America....this one man's son was manslaughtered by packs of pitbulls as boy screamed for help but the man and his girlfriend didnt reply to his is sick!!!!!!
Seems like people are always finding pitbull dog bite stories in here not other types of dogs..i have known other breeds are even worse! My vet told me that he rather handle pitbulls than poodles!! cuz poodles are very bad about biting!
It took 3 people to hold down my pitbull to get his nails trimmed (Oh he hates that so much!) all he did was just struggling, growling but he never showed teeth or bite!! I have heard a story about an old woman in Tulsa, Okla was attacked by Boston Terrier!!
so lets not single out pitbulls, please..thanks in advance!
it is getting kind of old..ya know?
Last night, my dog barked and woke my husband up, he got his pistol out, went outside to investigate in case of prowlers..there was some dogs down the road barking up a storm so there was something out there..we have a good watch dog really!..
Hope you all understand and thanks again.
It is hard to find other stories about different dogs when it mostly about pitbull dogs which I'm not surpise but however I think it's mostly to do with the way the dog was raised , I'm glad that the police did arrest the owner of that dog but still I would like to know what cause the pitbull dog to die?....Do you have any more information about this Lianca?....
Oh theres other stories about other breeds like Rottweillers, Boston terriors,
German Shepards, even poodles etc but i noticed that people seem to single out pitbulls the most.
Oh yeah, you're right about Rottweillers, I did see a few stories about that type of dog and I know one person near our street own that type of dog too, I'm scare of that one too.....

I will find a story about it if I can! :ily:
man its usually how they train and can be misconcepted on the training that dog may have intially been thought as being provoked but it still is no excuse if the owner didn't see what has occurred and didn't propery displinced the dog!

im sorry the dog died but its not a good ethical thing to allow kids to be harmed by anyone in anyway thier innocent!
All types of dogs will bite -- I agree with a few of others in here about pinpointing and putting the blame on pitbulls is unnecessary as it's not ALWAYS the pitbull who does the attacking, there are other dogs of different breeds that do attack as well. :(
Oh dear! I feel for baby.

It remind me of 7 years old niece of my co-worker. She was attacked by her own 5 years old pet pitbull last April 04. She´s survived with scar on her left arm. :tears:

Lianca, which type of dogs?

Defee, yes you are right that pitbull is not only one but we are not talk about your dog but other dogs.
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^Angel^ said:
It is hard to find other stories about different dogs when it mostly about pitbull dogs which I'm not surpise but however I think it's mostly to do with the way the dog was raised , I'm glad that the police did arrest the owner of that dog but still I would like to know what cause the pitbull dog to die?....Do you have any more information about this Lianca?....

Oh yea, I saw the news last night. After the dog bit the boy then let the boy go and saw the man were running up on the stair. The dog followed him to the roof. The dog bit his arm, the man were fighting to let him off from his arm and throw him down from the roof. That was all they were saying.

When I get more information. I'll post it. okay? ;)
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No one is pointing fingers or blame on pitbulls only, it happen to be a true story and Lianca wanted to share it to everyone here in AD.... :)

Thank you Lianca for the information about that pitbull dog, too bad that this dog had to die in the result of the attacked....I hope this owner learn her lesson to make sure her dog is chained up , then none of this would have happened to this baby and this other man.... :(
Sorry Lianca, I overread your post. You did mentioned pitbull on your first post :Oops:

Yeah, I´m not surprised about this because I often heard those pit bull stories here in Germany, too.

Yes, I´m agree that pit bulls are not only one but other dogs... like shepherd dog, Rottweillers, Boston terriors, Doberman, etc. Accord German law that the owners must insure their dog fighters like pit bull, Rotweillers, etc. It´s very expensive to have liescne, insurance & tax for those dog fighters only.

Yes, Defee you were right about poodles but the bite are large difference between dog fighters´s & normal dogs. I was bite by normal dog when I was a little girl but I can image it´s worst if I was bite by dog fighters. Look at babies to children.. They were survived or killed by dog fighters, not normal dog.

Hello pit pull owners,
Please don´t be upset because anyone share their news over pit pull situation with us. We doesn´t mean it´s YOU & YOUR dogs but others.
Please understand that anyone want to share their news with us what they see.
It´s not necassary to defense yourself over your dog. Please accept their share of news. Please remember that every dogs have different personalities.
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Liebling:-))) said:
Yeah, I´m not surprised about this because I often heard those pit bull stories here in Germany, too.

True, same here in Cleveland Ohio, there were so many stories about pitbull, I suppose the owners isn't taken care of their dogs as they are suppose to....sad isn't it?....
^Angel^ said:
True, same here in Cleveland Ohio, there were so many stories about pitbull, I suppose the owners isn't taken care of their dogs as they are suppose to....sad isn't it?....

yeah, true...

Pit bull could be friendly only if owner trained them well & give them alot of love & attention BUT one thing, I don´t understand about pitbull Clare who attacked 7 years old niece of my co-worker is her OWN 5 years old pet last April. We guess that something made Clare aggressive is: Clare feel not well or bad mood through weather???? Nobody understand why because Clare is such darling dog & lovely to chlidren. They told me that the dogs could be bad mood sometimes when they doesnt feel well ???
well...i have a pitbull myself...he does not bite..he is so nice pitbull i ever had...cuz some people have pitbulls, and they do not trained them very well...dat how it ended up makin pitbulls lookin gettin sick of it
Some pitbulls are gentle friendly... tends to loving care lot..

Some pitbulls are meanies due ... owners has problem trainned.. Owners should have responbile for that baby boy death .. Press'em charge owners and put that dog sleep due too dangerous.

One of my friend who live in Cailfornia.. and has trainned very good love care and always guarding their home which good reasons... because of prevouis break enter.. so his dog kept alerted him and to make sure not let anyone near their home. Very high protective owner and home too. If stranger.. would be *growl* and stay still glare you due doesn't know who r u .. until owner tells stop.. turns into act dumb and friendly.. but still CUTE.. (chuckles) his dog refused run and attacking anyone and just *growl* glaring stares you... that's all
GuNNaLuVDiZBoO said:
well...i have a pitbull myself...he does not bite..he is so nice pitbull i ever had...cuz some people have pitbulls, and they do not trained them very well...dat how it ended up makin pitbulls lookin gettin sick of it
Alright! High 5!..same here!!! im sick of it too!
I have one too and he is the most sweetest dog i ever had!
My vet loves him too!
PurpleRose71 said:
All types of dogs will bite -- I agree with a few of others in here about pinpointing and putting the blame on pitbulls is unnecessary as it's not ALWAYS the pitbull who does the attacking, there are other dogs of different breeds that do attack as well. :(
Thank you for understanding! appreciate that!!
my sister has a Miniature Pinscher... Everytime I go over there she bit me.. Zoey knows I am not afraid of her... My mother did 1 time Zoey bite her after time she goes there, Mom got fed up one day and bite her back to teach her lesson that she isn't the leader of pack! so Zoey never bark, bite her back! Everytime my mom goes there Zoey is begin nice to her, I will keep do that to her if everytime she bikes me but bark at me I don't give any hoot... but Going after my baby then I will bite her back.. yesterday she yapped,barked, growled at us, I growled at her, she gave me her teeth, I gave her my teeth back she knows I am not afraid of her if I move 1 tiny movement she runs and then try to come after me... LOL That dog is very annyoying and is very grrrrr with her having some attitude at me! I done nothing to her!

So Not only pitbull does................ this dog was a Miniature Pinscher! Oh my dog Jake is part Pitbull his attitude is sooo LOVEABLE,, Kuijfie and Patty and 2 other people from other forum have already *met* and pet my dog!

Jake wouldn't leave them alone because He want sleep with them too LMAO
