Britney Spears in jail?

Shame on Britney ...
Look at all the photographers... no wonder why their lives are all screwed up.

That has to be very stressful for Britney or any other celebrity. The photographers are really going way overboard. Someone said this to me "U want to be a star, u will need to accept the burdens with it." I am not sure if I agree with that.
1.) Paparazzi style photogrpahy needs to be outlawed - its dangerous Im sure there are some serious injuries and altercations between photographers and celebrities. Its also borderline stalking. I would feel very uncomfortable not being able to drive my own car to town without 10,000 flash bulbs going off along the way. Because of this, celebrities hire drivers, and alot of them go around town in discreet luxury sedans with tinted windows and they wear plain clothes, hat and sunglasses to cover their faces. And they also have large private gated estates for this reason. They dont have to leave their homes to go workout, have a drink or to watch a movie. Some just plain hire someone else to run their errands for them, such as dry cleaning, groceries, etc. That sort of thing. They go out only for work, or for social events.
1.) Paparazzi style photogrpahy needs to be outlawed - its dangerous Im sure there are some serious injuries and altercations between photographers and celebrities. Its also borderline stalking. I would feel very uncomfortable not being able to drive my own car to town without 10,000 flash bulbs going off along the way. Because of this, celebrities hire drivers, and alot of them go around town in discreet luxury sedans with tinted windows and they wear plain clothes, hat and sunglasses to cover their faces. And they also have large private gated estates for this reason. They dont have to leave their homes to go workout, have a drink or to watch a movie. Some just plain hire someone else to run their errands for them, such as dry cleaning, groceries, etc. That sort of thing. They go out only for work, or for social events.

I remember a documentary or an interview about Madonna. She said that she has all those things in her house because of that reason. However, she said she hated to have to be "imprisoned" in her home however how luxury it is. She said she would love to be able to go out and go into local stores, gyms, and etc to meet the local people. Once she had her kids, she started going out more despite her fears of someone kidnapping her kids. It is such a scary way to live, it seems.
It really is scary, especially for th young actors such as Daniel Radcliffe that plays Harry Potter. He got a very young start to his career and now that he's UK's richest minor and biggest star - I just hope he doesnt jack himself up on drugs, alcohol, and sex to escape the pressures of stardom. You wonder why eating disorders run rampant in Hollywood along with sex, drugs, and what not. You wonder why so many big stars find themselves in rehab.

They do anything they can to escape the pressure and stress if even for a moment. They just want to forget the paparazzi, and just go back to being normal for once.

But really if they want out of the limelight, they just need to quietly step aside, stop making movies or albums for a number of years then most people will not think about you and they will move on to the next big star. But at the same time they just cant lay everything down as their companies say they want x-number of albums and movies in x-number of years for the contract to be fullfilled.
Look at all the photographers... no wonder why their lives are all screwed up.

Do you enjoy reading "People" magazine, or "Star" or anything celebrity related magazines? If so, you should thank to paparazzi for doing their great job. :lol:
That has to be very stressful for Britney or any other celebrity. The photographers are really going way overboard. Someone said this to me "U want to be a star, u will need to accept the burdens with it." I am not sure if I agree with that.

I think I agreed with you. I heard that she has AA problem, but I don't know what to believe. I think that these photographers harassed at her, and they should be arrested. Actually, they should pay the damage no matter what.
Don't think Britney care about anything in the world, especially her 2 sons... oy she needs to be trout-slapped and realize she needs to grow up for good and let go of the drinking, partying and etc... maybe it's time Kevin F get the boys away from Britney to teach her a lesson...
Do you enjoy reading "People" magazine, or "Star" or anything celebrity related magazines? If so, you should thank to paparazzi for doing their great job. :lol:

I don't read anything like that.
Actually, photographers usually look for scandals. The more mature you act, the less likely they will be stalking you 24/7.

"Look, Britney is driving with her dog on her lap! Let's take pictures!"

"OMG! Britney is driving with her baby on her lap! Let's take pictures!"

"Whoa, she's shaving off her head... that's fucked up! I'll get it on my camera!"

"Damn, Paris wrecked her car and she was drunk! Perfect 'Look at me, I'm drunk!' shot for my camera!"

"Whoa, that Lindsey gal was stoned! Perfect picture for me!"

If they didn't fuck up their lives like that all the times, then this would likely have happened...

Random Person: "Look! Britney's taking care of her kids!"
Photographer: "Oh, cute. Anyway, I gotta go. I heard that another celebrity is getting married to a transvestite."

Random Person: "Look, Britney's at the playground playing with her kids while Kevin is helping out!"
Photographer: "Ah, that's nice." *walks away*

Random Person: "Did you hear that Paris Hilton is currently helping raise money for the homeless?"
Photographer: "So? My boss wants me to get a picture of some celebrity without panties. I'm outta here. Adios!"
I hate to say it but Vampy is right on the mark with this one.

If you notice you never hear about the celebrities that live a low key life. The ones that are helping the homeless are the ones you hear about when those celebrity magazines need a filler story during the holidays for a warm-fuzzy feeling.

The celebrities I like the most are the ones you never hear about.
I hate to say it but Vampy is right on the mark with this one.

If you notice you never hear about the celebrities that live a low key life. The ones that are helping the homeless are the ones you hear about when those celebrity magazines need a filler story during the holidays for a warm-fuzzy feeling.

The celebrities I like the most are the ones you never hear about.
Exactly! Those are the ones with the private lives.

I can think of a few reasons why Britney is doing these things...

- attention whore
(no one likes an attention whore)

- doesn't want the kids
(simple, say it... otherwise, why get pregnant twice)

- is an alcoholic and/or drug addict
(alcohol & drugs are serious issues)

- has mental problems
(does this require medication or seeing a psychiatrist?)

- just plain careless

For all of these excuses, she needs help... period. For all we know, she could be the next Andrea Yates. :Ohno:
yeah i gotta agree with u on this, vampy and dixie..

off the topic- i did watched the movie about Princess Di.. The photographer were not behind them when the car crashed. the stories were made up that it was caused by the photographers.

Princess Di was the nbr 1 most request photographers took pics of more than any of the celebrities.. I guess everyone loved her so much as she was the people's princess...

back to topic.. for those who are looking for attention seriously need to be put in rehab..

and no i dont read the magazines cuz i dont support the pictures being published ....
I can see that Britney is under stress and pressure by that paparazzi ...

Blame Paparazzi for destory Britney's life and image...
I can see that Britney is under stress and pressure by that paparazzi ...

Blame Paparazzi for destory Britney's life and image...

Absolutely, I agree with you. Paparazzi photographery should be leave all of the celebraties alone.

When you become famous then you will never have any privacy life. You will see the camera light flashers all over you. I can't imagine, what Princess Diana went through for almost 20 years with light flasher at her eyes. It looked like a nightmare when you slept and dream about camera light flasher through your eyes...

That was very disgusted for disrespectfully from the paparazzi. I have seen several famous celebraties somewhere. I do not bother to approach or ask them for autographery. I did meet several movie stars with no big deal. They are human just like we do. I did rather respect their privacy life.
I can see that Britney is under stress and pressure by that paparazzi ...

Blame Paparazzi for destroy Britney's life and image...

No, she LET paparazzi ruin her. Look at other celebrities, they are happy with their life. It is just Britney, Paris, Lindsay .. .they allow to fuck-up themselves to make paparazzi happy.
No, she LET paparazzi ruin her. Look at other celebrities, they are happy with their life. It is just Britney, Paris, Lindsay .. .they allow to fuck-up themselves to make paparazzi happy.
True! She wants all the attention from the world to make sure that they don't forget her..
I can see that Britney is under stress and pressure by that paparazzi ...

Blame Paparazzi for destory Britney's life and image...

I agreed...Britney is young and alone and everyone is judging her and she does not know how to defend herself and being maligned is something she does not know how to handle, her mother isn't there for her, so I don't know but I pray she gets the guidence she needs and get things back on track cause her children needs their mother....:(

Being famous definitely sucks because the whole world knows every personal thing that's going on in your life...
I read some other internet and saying that Britney's car have a little damage and the other car had no damage. The owner of the other car interview on the CNN and she said that her car had no damage but heard the gossip that Britney had no State of California driver license. That is why she is charged for that. Yep Britney don't have to go to the court on Oct 10. IMO that we never know if she have the license or not. All of the famous people are sick of tired of the photographer! But they earn the $$ for the pictures from the magazines and TV. If that happened to me, I would get pissed off and leave me alone! But they never will.
Most young actresses have no mother's guide how to be a "mother" as being responsibilities in the real world. All they think is high and fancy life. I'm sure that they don't know how to cook or sew their clothes. I think that we are very lucky that we are able to fix anything without help.