Bread can made Ducks Get Bloated

I know there is a thread about this but someone still think it's OK to feed bread to ducks and this thread let how dangerous bread can be to ducks
Are you talking about me? I said it ok to give them bread once in a while and that the problem has nothing to do with how much they poop.
Are you talking about me? I said it ok to give them bread once in a while and that the problem has nothing to do with how much they poop.

You're wrong . Bread made duck poop more that is why some city do not allow people to feed the ducks in parks or boardwalks. My city will fines peopled if they feed ducks bread on the boardwalk. People are overfeeding the ducks and the more food you eat the more you poop. Have you ever seen loafs of bread growing in the wild? I haven't .
The problem isn't over eating it's over indulgence in bread. They are getting to much of it and getting bloated and malnurished. This makes them not be able to get away from preditors and generally unhealthy. They outlawed feeding the ducks bread because it's impossible to regulate how much they are getting. If someone feeds their farm ducks 3or 4 loaves of stale bread a year it's not going to hurt them anymore than 3 or 4 candybars a year would hurt you. But if they eat only bread it would be like you eating only candy bars.
As a general rule I do not feed wild animals. There are too many bad consequences. They are best to feed themselves, and know how to best do that.
As a general rule I do not feed wild animals. There are too many bad consequences. They are best to feed themselves, and know how to best do that.

There is now a $300 fine for feeding the birds at duck pond in my city. Some signs are going to put up now there are only paper signs posted on some trees. I been after the city for the past 2 years to puts signs up and now the water is so bad it will cost $60,000 to clean the water.
Well DUH!!!!If white bread is so bad for the ducks....

then why did the bread factories make white bread so unhealthy for humans to eat.!?!?Let's pay attention to the bread factories who abuse white bleached bread for us to eat. They actually abusing what we eat! Well, maybe they are feeding the ducks is a WAKE UP call to tell you that many humans eat white bread a lot, and many of them are unhealthy or overweight on starchy foods and even humans look bloated TOO!!! BLAME the white bread company here!

then why did the bread factories make white bread so unhealthy for humans to eat.!?!?Let's pay attention to the bread factories who abuse white bleached bread for us to eat. They actually abusing what we eat! Well, maybe they are feeding the ducks is a WAKE UP call to tell you that many humans eat white bread a lot, and many of them are unhealthy or overweight on starchy foods and even humans look bloated TOO!!! BLAME the white bread company here!

I wish corporations would only ever sell healthy food, but fortunately we still have within us the power to say no to it. I do believe in taking responsibility for our own choices. The unfortunate part is that many foods lie on the packaging. Many so called healthy options are not really healthy.
Ducks wouldn't eat wheat in the wild. They (Mallard ducks-as that is what most people are referring to usually) eat fish eggs, roots/plants in the water, sometimes frogs, and insects. But not bread or anything really related to it.

As for us eating healthy foods. I choose to buy from local farmers-fresh veggies and fruits when possible.
As a general rule I do not feed wild animals. There are too many bad consequences. They are best to feed themselves, and know how to best do that.

At national parks they lock the trash cans and tell people not to leave food out because the problem is if the bears and other animals think humans = free food well then they'll learn to EAT humans.
allways make sure bread is wet and salt free before feeding

Bread is not good for ducks no matter how it's made! Bread made ducks poop too much and that harm in the water in the ponds. Have you ever picked a loaf of bread off a tree ?? I didn't think so, wild animals should only eat what Mother Nature made for them. I said there is now a fine for feeding ducks bread at the duck pond in my city because this bad of the water in the pond. It's a small pond and has it no outlet or inlet so there the water is stagnant and need a pump to make the water move around .
then why did the bread factories make white bread so unhealthy for humans to eat.!?!?Let's pay attention to the bread factories who abuse white bleached bread for us to eat. They actually abusing what we eat! Well, maybe they are feeding the ducks is a WAKE UP call to tell you that many humans eat white bread a lot, and many of them are unhealthy or overweight on starchy foods and even humans look bloated TOO!!! BLAME the white bread company here!

HUH?? No that is not why people are feeding ducks white bread. White bread cost less money , people can buy day old white bread to feed the birds. The people that feed bread to the ducks think it's OK .They're not trying to make any kind of political statement and any bread is bad for ducks not just white bread. Have to see the food that being made today , there is a lot of food that is pure junk on the market , you can chose to buy it or walk right by it. I walk right by it.
Bread is not good for ducks no matter how it's made! Bread made ducks poop too much and that harm in the water in the ponds. Have you ever picked a loaf of bread off a tree ?? I didn't think so, wild animals should only eat what Mother Nature made for them. I said there is now a fine for feeding ducks bread at the duck pond in my city because this bad of the water in the pond. It's a small pond and has it no outlet or inlet so there the water is stagnant and need a pump to make the water move around .

you 100% right but people will still do it so better they try be less poisening
plus it the rats who eat most of it

i got big argument going on at moment people feeding the gulls as result birds forgetting how eat fish out at sea... poor birds are now ferral and people moaning about gulls,for pity sake we all live less than mins from sea.They going to have cull all because people not educated about these birds my town lives by sea therefore should not be so ignorent
It is sad, but one of the consequences to feeding wild animals is the excuse to kill them.
By educating people or having signs out, people will be able to make up their own mind. Most people I do believe want to do what is best for an animal. They usually just don't know any better. I t would be nice if all places educated.
It is sad, but one of the consequences to feeding wild animals is the excuse to kill them.
By educating people or having signs out, people will be able to make up their own mind. Most people I do believe want to do what is best for an animal. They usually just don't know any better. I t would be nice if all places educated.

yes you right..unfortunatly 20.000 birds have been selcted to die in my town..i have gulls nesting on my chimmny my husband says it noisey when chics hatch they often glide to the ground spend month running around my garden the parents mob me but i dont mind i living on sea birds territory they dont know my house not a cliff and i feel blessed they on my roof alto the bird crap bit off putting on hot day
No, that is not the real reason for prohibit feeding the duck. The real reason behind as I know because I was involved in town where there was complaint about too many geese around and it was out of control, causing two issues which was traffic, these birds will become more tame and don't give damn whenever they are near humans. Secondly, they get more aggressive and demand more food from human and they attacks humans more often. After they enact that law, finally these geese left the town. I have seen traffic back up because of birds walking on roads.

You're wrong . Bread made duck poop more that is why some city do not allow people to feed the ducks in parks or boardwalks. My city will fines peopled if they feed ducks bread on the boardwalk. People are overfeeding the ducks and the more food you eat the more you poop. Have you ever seen loafs of bread growing in the wild? I haven't .
do you have roads signs saying 'duck crossing'picture of duck on it...
geese can be aggresive birds and if causing problems then it right to encourage them to go appropiate place but killing is not an option
Only limited locations where they don't ban the feeding. The areas that ban isn't in effect does have signs discouraging feeding wildlife.

do you have roads signs saying 'duck crossing'picture of duck on it...
geese can be aggresive birds and if causing problems then it right to encourage them to go appropiate place but killing is not an option