Brand New Here....hard of hearing

Hi, Kate,
Welcome to AD. If your audie said your hearing loss is autoimmune, you should see an ENT. Most audie's are not qualified to make this diagnosis, but if true, there may be treatment available.
Good luck!
And just WHO are you calling a moron, Tousi? :P Just kidding, guy!

Hey Kate, thanks for the message on my page (around here)! Feel free to add me to friends.

By the way, you may want to reconsider using Wikipedia, as it's not accurate and, in any educational setting, professors will not accept research done on it. No, this is not a research center, but thought you'd like to know this before the rest of us educated people start in on it. Have a great day!

Oh, by the way, :welcome:

Hi: Yes I am aware of the wikipedia problem. It took me seven years to get my BA because I was working and going to school at night; and doing the single parent gig at the time. First five years of school no hearing aids...professors all thought I was bug eyed. I read their lips from row 1 or 2. In any case, they all told us about Wiki and research papers. I don't use it in research. But it offered pretty much the same explanation I would have given for the questions Re: Montessori; but I didn't have to do all the typing ;-)

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Please stay and enjoy AD. You will learn a lot of topics and us ADers with our experiences. Take care and see you around. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf!

I see that you're already finding your way around here and enjoying yourself on this forum! :)