

New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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gosh I am so bored I am tempted to strip on webcam....but no one is online LOL I started many times people do stupid things cuz they are I am starting to do that too lol. what stupid things have you done when you were bored??
I'm here! :wave:

Just kidding! You can do anything you want when you're bored. Go to the mall. Rent a movie! Do anything!
Vampy's right, yesterday i was semi bored but knew i had to do some shit yesterday, so went and did it and came back refreshed :) hehehe

cleaned out my truck cuz where my truck is parked is on a lava rock gravel so the red dirt travels inside the truck so i didn t want it to become a residence in my truck hahahaha LOL! So did that and did some work on my puter and relaxed :)
Oh I just look for stuff on e bay or clean out my e mail boxes and do extra stuff around the house.. babyphat you can pm if you want.. i have aim and msn messangers.
i cant go to the mall at 4 am silly....also food closes at 10 pm growl.......... clubs close at 2 but kick people out at 145
When im bored at work im tempted to skinny dip in the pool :o

Also when im bored i tend to draw something like old english style, cholo lookin cartoons, backgrounds that I seen before, girls in bikini (hey im bored :o )
Originally posted by LeviathanC
If you ever get bored, why not go buy a gun and shoot the side of your head?

levi - go see a you kill ahem no killing!!!! that dead no no no.........that empty time.... levi back away from the gun..........
I have a suggestion... being bored... try to use ur webcam to pose yourself exactly just like your signature... :laugh2:
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
i cant go to the mall at 4 am silly....also food closes at 10 pm growl.......... clubs close at 2 but kick people out at 145

My friendly suggestion is moving to Las Vegas!!!! Most places stay open 24 hours. Won't disappoint you at all. :twisted:
Originally posted by Lasza
My friendly suggestion is moving to Las Vegas!!!! Most places stay open 24 hours. Won't disappoint you at all. :twisted:
don't give the bad influence to a bootyfull gurl... she need to save her money from casinos!
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
don't give the bad influence to a bootyfull gurl... she need to save her money from casinos!

Very funny! She knows how to find other way to get money if u know her ways pretty well. :D
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
I have a suggestion... being bored... try to use ur webcam to pose yourself exactly just like your signature... :laugh2:

I dont have a webcam......I was at a friends house and my friend was asleep......I had the comp all to myself hehehehe
Originally posted by Lasza
My friendly suggestion is moving to Las Vegas!!!! Most places stay open 24 hours. Won't disappoint you at all. :twisted:

yeah I did like it at LV but problem is too many guys try to hit on me or pick me up............... anyways............... I am hoping to move to south cal like SD ;) I wanna hang in LA so much to do and it is open really late............
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
levi - go see a you kill ahem no killing!!!! that dead no no no.........that empty time.... levi back away from the gun..........

I didn't said that I kill myself. I said YOU becuz you just mentioned that you are bored yourself, dumbass.