Book list of books that include deaf/HOH character(s) or authors


I have two novels completed in an amateur detective series where the protagonist is deaf (and his communications helper/romantic interest is confined to a wheelchair). The first book is making the rounds to attract an agent to push it to publishers.

My current work-in-progress features a deaf bee keeper working on colony collapse disorder, the mysterious malady causing honeybees to disappear.

Most works with a deaf lead now published are biographical. I know a few other deaf writers and am hoping some are working with deaf protagonists in fiction.

it is careless to say 'confined to wheelchair', this is insensitive to people who uses wheelchairs. It is a disablist attitude which is not acceptable, so those who are not intiated to disablity politics are not aware of this should take note, in exactly same way as we deaf/Deaf people expect hearing people to describe us in a humane manner.
It's not so much the lack of disabled characters, but the fact that a lot of disabled characters in fiction are portraighed to be helpless or self pitying and they either end up being cured or getting killed.

I'm writing a fantasy novel at the moment about these characters in a country called Nazdonia who mate with Demons and it gives them magic powers. Several of my characters have various disabilities. Including Nadia and her sisters who are Deaf and work in a dragon slaying team until Nadia also loses a leg.