Blu-ray confirmed for Xbox 360?


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Mar 23, 2005
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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to say hi-def video format will be added to the console's "entertainment experience" via "accessories."

When the HD DVD/Blu-ray war came to a sudden end in February 2008, it was quickly followed by word that Microsoft and Sony were discussing a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360. Now, 20 months later, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to have confirmed that the Xbox 360 will be getting a Blu-ray player of some sort.

In a video interview with tech site Gizmodo, the outspoken executive was asked how the Xbox 360 could be the center of a modern entertainment system and not include Blu-ray. His response appeared to rule out an internal Blu-ray drive for the 360, but apparently confirmed it would be available as a peripheral much like the discontinued Xbox 360 HD DVD drive.

Speaking about the Xbox 360, Ballmer said, "Well, I don't know if we need to put Blu-ray in there. [But] you'll be able to get Blu-ray drives as accessories." He offered no further details, such as a time frame or price, and Microsoft reps declined to offer further comment on "future plans" regarding Blu-ray.

Bill Gates' successor quickly pivoted to promote the Xbox 360's ability to download high-definition video. "I think the future of movies is on demand, as opposed to...via distribution of physical media. So we're going to just strive forward and try and make [the Xbox 360] the best entertainment--overall entertainment, and not just gaming, but overall entertainment experience we can."

The next step in Microsoft's hi-def video strategy is the addition of 1080p video downloads and Zune-compatible movies as part of next month's Xbox Live update.

Though fairly unequivocal, Ballmer's comments should be taken with a grain of salt. In June, his from-the-hip comments at an investor conference--disseminated by an incomplete blog of the event--sparked a rumor firestorm that an all-new Xbox 360 would be released next year. Those rumors were subsequently shot down by director of Xbox 360 product management and Xbox Live Aaron Greenberg, who said Ballmer was speaking about the console's previously announced motion-sensing technology, Project Natal.

Blu-ray confirmed for Xbox 360? - News at GameSpot
We have no plans for Blu-Ray on Xbox 360 - Xbox Live's Major Nelson

I'm getting used to Microsoft and Bungie PR. "we have no plans' LOL. If they want to make money, they WILL put out a BluRay add-on. Although I don't think it is necessary for Microsoft, because I don't think discs will be around much in 5-10 years. Having movies on a HDD will be the norm. Would you prefer 500 dvds on a shelf, or 500 movies in a HDD that you can put in your pocket?

TBH, I am kind of surprised we have not seen a BluRay player for the 360 yet.
I agree with deafsmith's post.. I believe next gen-gaming console won't have the blue ray dvd rom at all.. I guess MS despite the blue ray at all.. never know.
Yes, but deafsmith had good point that neX generation gaming console with large HDD, as without dvd rom/ blue ray rom asap. the neX-gen console will come with their own steam like onlive style..
Yea, PSPGo is a good example, along with the DSi and WiiWare. It is more profitable for companies to still sell games at $60 off the marketplace than it is to ship the games, etc. It doesn't mean discs will be completely gone though, but I believe in a good 10 years discs will NOT be around.
Yes, but deafsmith had good point that neX generation gaming console with large HDD, as without dvd rom/ blue ray rom asap. the neX-gen console will come with their own steam like onlive style..

a bigger possibility but...let's see.
Microsoft says it has "no plans" to introduce any Blu-ray add-on for the Xbox 360.

Here's the full statement:

Steve was referring to Blu-ray accessories for the PC. As we have said in the past, we have no plans to introduce a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360.
from GIZMODO ...


For good instance, what happened to Blockbuster already forced half BB stores close now and in 2010 all bb store will close, then DVD rents go to Kiosk and mail or Digitial Movies on their site to be competitive against netflix steamings and against redbox kiosk.. they avoided to apply for chapter 11 of bankrupt. they lost their profits and even customers, Because netflix and redbox are fast growing on economic market..