Blind or deaf?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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If you had a choice which you rather be? Blind or deaf?
I rather be blind,,So i can hear conversations,music,radio and other beauty of sound.

id rather be able to view the beauty of nature, be able to DRIVE, see my partner for the beauty she is and so much more!
Blind is much, much more limiting. Like Fly Free said, there are too many disadvantages in being blind in comparison to being deaf.

I'll rather be able to drive than being unable to see.
But being able to listen to beauty of music,the ocean, birds signing,and your cat meowing and purring. Plus talk to people carry a conversation. Being deaf is silence. You can talk to people,but you cant hear what theyre saying.Mom had to buy a dry erase board so she can talk to me. And that aint no fun nether.
DEAF all the way! like Fly Free and Banjo said... I'd much much rather to be able to see all the beauty of the nature... ohh and to drive... oh my words... I'd go CRAZY if I don't drive. Blind, you have more limits compared to being deaf :)
voted DEAF!!!!

Some Deafies have some hearing leftover. Able to hear high vibrations and etc..
I totally agree with Fly Free. I voted DEAF! Deaf can do more things than the blind people because blind people couldn't do that much of things, very limited. Deaf can drive anywhere, and work too. Deaf can do anything more. :) So ^5 Fly Free, I AGREE! :) Also I agree with Lasza, deaf people do have leftovers of hearing.
I'd rather be DEAF
But being able to listen to beauty of music,the ocean, birds signing,and your cat meowing and purring. Plus talk to people carry a conversation.
Yes, but most deaf people have some residual hearing that can be used to hear. I love music and sound, but at the same time I love being deaf (am hoh with aids) I remember a hearing person once said to me "It must be so horrible to be deaf" me being deaf is simply another way of being, equal to being hearing. Yes, if I'd had hearing before I would feel that I missed something, but I am deaf, and will be deaf til the day I die!
I rather to be Deaf than being blind because I want to be able to travel, drive and seek the beautiful earth that God created...

There are things out there such as hearing aids, CI and etc that can help you hear...
Well just imagine if the whole world is deaf. We wouldnt be watching TV,Talk,Or Comminicate. We would just be like a moving working robot. Look at Bees. They cannot hear they cannot communicate with one another. They just work,fly n sting. Thats all they do.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well just imagine if the whole world is deaf. We wouldnt be watching TV,Talk,Or Comminicate.

How can it be that we can not watch TV? it not like we're blind here and that why we have closed capition to read when we can not hear it

They cannot hear they cannot communicate with one another.

Then get a CI or a hearing aid, then it would solved your problem! ;)

Deny the ability to see the colors? I couldn't. Deny the ability to watch the movies? I couldn't. Deny the ability to see my lover's face or her heart-melting smile? I couldn't. Deny the ability to see the sunrise and sunset? I couldn't. In my opinion, hearing ability is overstatement. With deafness, I don't need or have to depend on anyone, things or animals. While being blind, you have to. You have to use the cane, dogs or specialist(s) or people to help you.
Magatsu said:

Deny the ability to see the colors? I couldn't. Deny the ability to watch the movies? I couldn't. Deny the ability to see my lover's face or her heart-melting smile? I couldn't. Deny the ability to see the sunrise and sunset? I couldn't. In my opinion, hearing ability is overstatement. With deafness, I don't need or have to depend on anyone, things or animals. While being blind, you have to. You have to use the cane, dogs or specialist(s) or people to help you.

I'd rather be deaf and couldnt say why much better than Magatsu just did.
Angel what im getting at is,,If people were not made to hear you could not speak. If TV was invented you would just see pictures but no story. You would not be watching the news because you cant tell the story. Nor you cant explan the weather. You could not drive because someone has to explan instrutions how to build cars. You would be living in caves and in holes because someome has to explan instrutions how to build homes to live. Everything we can do today live nice, Drive,Watch TV because of hearing people.Can you picture if henry ford was deaf or the wright brothers was deaf? Or even christopher columbus was deaf. How could he prove to the queen the world is round if hes deaf n mute? How could henry ford explan about the automobile if hes deaf n mute? How could the wright brothers explan about the airplane if both are deaf n mute?
The world today benifits because of hearing people. Im not trying to force you to hear. But theres a reason why god put hearing in people. Theres a reason why bees are deaf and bats are blind. I just feel if man can figure out improve things in life i see no reason you can hear normal again. If anyone watched the TV drama series The Six Million dollar man and the bionic woman man can create that if he wanted too.Just like i feel it just an excuse why men cant make a car that can last 20-25 years.If they can build a space shuttle can fly 200,000 miles by orbiting the earth land back down to earth and fly it back up again in 6 months they can improve anything and improve life much better on earth. So i want yall just think about ok??
If everyone were deaf in this world, would they not be using sign language, and give TV shows in sign language instead of spoken English. Then close captioning would not be needed at all. Hearing people who would then be a minority, will still understand these signed programs because they have to learn the language of the majority anyway.

And Steve, lose the attitude about deaf and mute, its outdated. Mute means inability to communicate and deafies CAN communicate only through a different medium.

Well, since no one had this 'answer'...I would have picked 'neither'....gotta have 'eyes' to see the beauty of nature's wonders, a child's smile radiating happiness, the beauty of your love ones especially with your partner, gf/bf, etc., sport activities, the rolling waves out on a beach and SOOO much more....ears to hear beautiful songs, a excitedly and happy voice of a child, the whispers of your lover, the roar of the crowds in sports' events and SOOO much more....

In a word, I cannot even pick between the two so therefore it would be 'neither'...however I'm dealt with in this life, only can I alone make the best of what I do have and what I don't have...only can my Maker and Creator give me the 'will' and the 'encouragements' to be all I can amount to be...I am aware that this thread specifically asks members which would they prefer and honestly, I can't choose either...but just out of curiousity and for the sake of which this thread was created, I would lean towards 'deaf'....
A deaf blind lady that I once lived with....

said that she would rather be blind than deaf as the blind can hear and communicate with the world outside of themselves from the day that they were born.

Myself, I had no choice in the matter,..I would say deaf as I like to drive and I enjoy looking about and seeing the beauty around me.
I chose deaf.

Seems that ravensteve1961 tends to go opposite way and pisses off people. what's up with ya?

my dh's best friend has ushers sydrome. even my best friend has ushers sydrome, they both eventually are deaf and will go blind.

doesn't matter what handicap you have, they both have beautiful children that gives unconditional love.