Blacks and HIV/AIDS

I wish the presumptions were old..and ramifications. Just like I came across this misinformation someone else may have so my point is....Whomever you are or identify with protect yourself each and every time you have sex, HIV/ AIDS still doesn't discriminate!..It only takes ONE time.

That has been the message since, I don't know....about 1988.
In simple words, HIV favor blacks more than whites hence the high rate of HIV rate in blacks.

Statistics just show over and over... HIV prefers blacks the most and it takes a LOT of exposure for a white person to get HIV from a HIV+ person.

..Refer to the original post. Many post were started some time ago. This thread maybe considered an archive...Bottom line right is right and wrong...well it's wrong. The possibility exist by this misinformation being out there capable of being viewed false conclusions can be made. I didnt say "it takes a lot of exposure for a white person to get HIV from a HIV infected person".. I will be the one to say this is misinformation that obviously some people choose to disregard the message of the 80's was it? ..too serious of an issue to play with or to allow false info to be available without re-education and correction...I can't argue the truth. Now all will know the message of the 80's still true, regardless of this misinterpreted study.
There was a lot of misinformation and racially based assumptions in this thread. That is why it died out.