Black Friday Pictures


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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I took a few pictures of what happened during Black Friday.

The first picture is the line in front of Best Buy. This was taken around 4:30 am and Best Buy opened at 5 am.

A couple employees from the nearby Chick-fil-A restaurant gave out free mini-chicken sandwiches to those in line. I was one of them... yum! :)

The second and third pictures are of the barricade that Target employees made to keep people from storming in from outside of the line.

The fourth picture is what the inside of Target looked like. Target opened at 6 am and this picture took place a few minutes after Target opened. :eek:
That's the reason why I hate Black Friday :shock:

Thanks for sharing your photos :)
That's what Toys R us looks like too. :laugh2: I didn't even have a shopping cart because there wasn't anymore left when I went in the store. :(
Good thing I don't like Black Fridays in person. :P
Ooh, oof! That is why my family and I don't like the nasty Black Friday. CREEPY :Ohno:
I dislike long waiting line at any store outside on Black Friday.
I don't like Black Friday. This is the reason why I don't go. :)
Refuse to get up at 4 AM for this! LOL!
I've seeing those many time, because I actually like to attend black friday, so I can grab items of huge discount price on sale. but I hate to attend shopping on the pre-Eve christmas. thats my opinion. ;)
that just looks really scary. people get trampled :shock:
I'll just buy everything on the internet, the safety of my home.:lol:
I refuse to participate in Black Friday chaos.
You all sound like it's a big deal. Have you actually gone to Black Friday in your area?

The one I went to wasn't even that bad. Everyone behaved like mature adults. No one really fought over anything. Even the employees and managers were very friendly and ensured that everything ran smoothly.