Bitted by a pitbull dog

Yeah it s law for animals control to take the dog for 10 days for some test for like rabbies, etc.. but i already took TENTUS shots so im all set.. so Yeah to any STRANGERS that dog pitbull who is only FEMALE and do bites.. when they first moved in last october and they didnt TELL me that dog will be biting so i didnt realized oh thats nothing but sure enough i was bitten..

Right now i'm not feelin well cuz of my tentus shot painful on my arm and some cuts i been suffering.. andyeah still shakin cuz i'm scared of any dogs now .. i know i love small dogs but give me time to get back normal later on cuz i'm scared already.. so.. wait n see how i feel so...


As for rabies .. must to put her down .. and check inside of her brain! That's the only way to find out! A 10 days quarantine is to be sure there is no sign of rabies behavior in her. I hope The owner wakes up and thinks of her kids!
oh man i miss this thread.. i am sowwy that u got hurt by dog.. gee.. i hope everything u will getting better soon
Oh gosh.. Glad you re okay than very serious bites!
Ouchies, I'm sorry ya went thru that, and i hope ya a speedy recovery.
I missed this thread..

Yes, I know the dog bite is painful but tramutic too.. I dont blame you being scared...

My dog was attack by pitbull last year.. and still tramutic for kids cuz kids saw it even front of them...

no matter what dogs shouldnt attack strangers.. even they have kids.. OMG.. you dont know what the dog will do when it have setback.. will maul each kids.. scary thoughts.... Hope you get better..

yes, if the dog bit..attack.. needs to put down.. even if its 2nd time..