Birth Control Efficiency

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I just thought of this...

99.8% efficiency birth control = this:

20 people have sex about 50 times in a year...

Two of them may get knocked up.
I am one of the .2% that got knocked up after getting my tubes tied.
I am one of the .2% that got knocked up after getting my tubes tied.

Out of how many attempts??? haha

I'm the .2% too...

I'm finding more and more people that got preggers even on BC of any form... Im beginning to believe that it is not 99.8% anymore.
I was on the pill when I got pregnant.
birth control pill not always 100% effective working. sometime women did missing and forgot take pill few days. or they take antibiotic or medication make pill working less effect and become less strong.
I just thought of this...

99.8% efficiency birth control = this:

20 people have sex about 50 times in a year...

Two of them may get knocked up.

Well, there are factors. For instance, there are certain medicines that can compromise the efficiency of the birth control pill. Also, if people often use the pill improperly which may not work efficiently.
Out of how many attempts??? haha

I'm the .2% too...

I'm finding more and more people that got preggers even on BC of any form... Im beginning to believe that it is not 99.8% anymore.

After 5 years of having my tubes tied.

About a month after I was with this particular guy. I got pregnant. The pregnancy lasted about 4 months before it ruptured the tube. Believe me.. he feels like he has the super sperm. :roll:

Well... if the pill is taken correctly and same time everyday, it is very effective. Oh you can not take antibiotics while on the pill since it will lessen the effect.

Tubes tied. I have two friends that I know that have gotten pregnant besides me. One already had a healthy baby girl at the age of 40. The other girl is about 4 or 5 months pregnant she is healthy, she is 37 years old.
So I laugh when people tell me they can't get pregnant because they had their tubes tied. I'm like oh yes you can.........

People get pregnant with IUD, many do not survive. Some are born fine and some are born with the IUD embedded in them.
The varied ~95-99.9% number comes from the pearl index. I think the statistics in that is based on probability from the ideal conditions, ie. such as not being on antibiotics or other medication at the same time.

Whereas, if we look at it in individual sessions based on chance (like AD'er #1 vs AD'er #2), not everyone will start at the same starting point. The pearl index is basing on the averages of fertility between 100 women, where a single woman in that group might have higher or lower fertility than another.

This might be a "probability vs individual chance" issue, since the two terms are extraneous of each other.
Decided it was too personal to post.
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Many years ago, I had a friend who claimed "I've used 5 methods of birth control and have six kids to show for it." (One set of twins.)

Finally they figured out what was causing it and hubby got a vasectomy. ;-)
birth control pill not always 100% effective working. sometime women did missing and forgot take pill few days. or they take antibiotic or medication make pill working less effect and become less strong.
I was young and healthy, not taking any other meds. I never missed one pill.
I was on the pill when I got pregnant.

Mom did too, or, very shortly after coming off. I think she came off the pill, and, the Dr told her there would be some time before she got pregnant (like 6 mos). She was pregnant within a month! lol
And married, too, I take it? :giggle:

People are not getting married as much today. It is no big deal having a baby and not being married today.
I had friend that was told by a doctor that she could NEVER have babies! My friend was very surprised and happy when she became pregnant . She had 2 healthy baby girls! That doctor was so wrong!!