Bin Laden's Execution Does Not Buy My Vote for Obama

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Apr 22, 2007
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About a year ago, a team of U.S. Navy SEALs rode helicopters to a compound in Pakistan, entered the compound, and shot to death Osama bin Laden, the most wanted and reviled man in the world.

President Barack Obama has released a campaign ad that essentially tells me I should vote to re-elect him because he gave the approval for this operation. I remain decidedly unconvinced.

First, while certainly bin Laden has improved the world by his being absent from it, approving his departure does not buy the president any consideration for all of the more foolish decisions he has made during his administration. Health care reform, the stimulus package, the cancellation of the Constellation return to the moon program, and a foreign policy that seems to consist of snubbing out friends and coddling out enemies are things that are not wiped away by the execution of one man, no matter how vile.

Second, the ball spiking, the end zone dance a year after the event is getting to be just a little much. The latest stunt consists of the president visiting Afghanistan, as unsettled as it is, for the public purpose of signing some agreements, but for the real purpose of extending the middle finger once again at the Republicans and, perhaps, at the terrorists.

James Taranto, writing for the Wall Street Journal, imagines an analogous situation taking place in 1972. Imagine if Richard Nixon took credit for the Apollo moon landing, noting that his predecessors had failed in the attempt for the previous eight years, and publicly wondering if George McGovern would have authorized Apollo 11?

Another analogy would have been President George H. W. Bush taking credit for the fall of the Soviet Union, since it took place on his watch and not during the administration of Ronald Reagan.

Of course not even Nixon was quite bold enough nor the first Bush proud enough to take credit for the work of other men.

The grandstanding over the execution of bin Laden has made me want to vote against Obama even more. The men I salute for ending the career of the bloody terrorist are those young operators of the SEAL team who risked their lives and conducted their mission with courage and skill. The victory was theirs and not that of a president desperate to find a reason -- any reason -- to get four more years of misrule.

Bin Laden's Execution Does Not Buy My Vote for Obama - Yahoo! News
Yeah, it does look crass to do the whole ball spike thing again and again without crediting the team who helped you get to the end zone. A little humility goes a long way.
No one has won over Bin Laden. Of course, George W Bush vowed that he gets caught, and at the same time Bin Laden himself vowed that he will never touch American soil. Now both of vows had kept but neither gets the credit and justice.

Shooting Bin Laden's shit out of his brain solves nothing against terrorist world. What would devastating terrorist network is bringing Bin Laden right onto the American soil. Having Bin Laden on American soil is like telling Terrorist that your vows has been fucked then go hell!. Too bad it didn't happen and that shit (Killing Bin Laden) had happened right on Obama's watch.

The idea of immediate execution for Bin Laden is really downright stupid mistake.

I owe none of my vote for Obama!
just another sleazy politician pandering any way he can...

I'm more worried about the economy. Osama's death does not mean a thing to me.
Yes, I seem to remember that GW Bush vowed to get Bin Laden! So it happened on Obama's watch, big deal!
mmmhhhh... I'm not happy with what and how they done with Bin Laden because I want to see him at court first like what they did with Saddam Hussein.
Wirelessly posted

Thank you to the Navy Seal for the job well done, and all of our military.
I'll vote for Obama if he know how to use ASL more than say "Muah". I mean "Thank you".
I'll vote for him if he can throw strikes...bow properly...look manly on a less golf....teach his wife to dress properly while on Air Force One during vacation....prove he was born in the USA....reveal his SS number...go to church and rebuke Mohammed...
You know what? Bin Laden wanted to assassinate our president by hijack Air Force One. Im glad President Obama kicked his ass. It was very personal. Bush got what he wanted..Saddam was hung.

Bin Laden was very delusional and was very depressed b.c of our drones killed a lot of his ppl. If you're not proud of our country..oh well.

Careful, shouting USA, USA, USA will earn you heap of scorn for being too, uh, "patriotic" and probably get yourself labeled as a racist or sumthin.

But I agree. USA! USA! USA!
I shout USA as well, but personally, I am so disillusioned regarding politics that I do not know who or what to vote for. I was not raised in a household where we talked about things like this. I never understood it at all and am totally lost on it all.
Careful, shouting USA, USA, USA will earn you heap of scorn for being too, uh, "patriotic" and probably get yourself labeled as a racist or sumthin.

But I agree. USA! USA! USA!

Racist? Hardly but it is just your way. ;)

It is just like USA soccer team in Olympics and US fans are going call GO USA USA USA...

Looks no racist to my picture.
I just want to say I am reading all of your opinions carefully since this coming election will be the first time I vote for president and I am still not sure who I will vote for ever since Ron Paul has no chance of winning.

My opinion on Obama getting bin Laden is that he didn't do anything extraordinary. The military finally found him and Obama just happened to be in power instead of Bush. It was not Obama's victory, it was the military's victory.
This is a very critical election. We are facing very serious issues, and I believe we must pray and ask God to bring America back to its Judaeo-Christian foundations, and to bless America with honorable and righteous leaders. While I was not originally for Mitt Romney, I believe his moral stand on pro-life and pro-family issues and his business and economic background would make him a better president and leader than our current president. I appreciate reading what others have written, and I especially understand the comment that politics is confusing. It is confusing particularly because people will say whatever they think will benefit them rather than standing up for the truth. Mixing the truth with lies is a very powerful strategy to gain power--and as the saying goes, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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The title of this thread is a stupid statement. Some important reasons why you don't vote for Obama are that he doesn't make America better (I don't know for a fact) and other issues he hasn't solved that he promised to.

I am not a registered voter because I know that all candidates are always bullshitters so I don't want to waste my time to vote.
The title of this thread is a stupid statement. Some important reasons why you don't vote for Obama are that he doesn't make America better (I don't know for a fact) and other issues he hasn't solved that he promised to.

I am not a registered voter because I know that all candidates are always bullshitters so I don't want to waste my time to vote.

So you are content to complain? I mean, you post in the political sections. You let the rest of us make decisions, then criticize them? :eek3:
This is a very critical election. We are facing very serious issues, and I believe we must pray and ask God to bring America back to its Judaeo-Christian foundations, and to bless America with honorable and righteous leaders. While I was not originally for Mitt Romney, I believe his moral stand on pro-life and pro-family issues and his business and economic background would make him a better president and leader than our current president. I appreciate reading what others have written, and I especially understand the comment that politics is confusing. It is confusing particularly because people will say whatever they think will benefit them rather than standing up for the truth. Mixing the truth with lies is a very powerful strategy to gain power--and as the saying goes, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

As voter, I'm not interested to vote the leader that based on religion and the religion isn't sacrifice to our life, except for own mind. I usually vote the leader who has experience with fiscal, defense, healthcare, development, jobs, economy, etc, that's more important for us.

Not everyone are Christians so don't put your religion in my mouth and you should keep in your mind.

I'm pro-LGBT rights and pro-choice so Mitt Romney isn't get my vote at all.
mmmhhhh... I'm not happy with what and how they done with Bin Laden because I want to see him at court first like what they did with Saddam Hussein.

I am glad we did not waste any money on having a trial for Bin Laden .
I am glad we did not waste any money on having a trial for Bin Laden .

Yup, that's very true and put Bin Laden into death penalty under federal is much costlier, along with lengthy trial.
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