Bilateral (Pros and cons)

I just went bilateral this past week. I decided to go bilateral because my hearing aid was no longer very useful to me. My audiologist had brought up the idea of going bilateral a while ago but I took my time because I wanted to make sure it was the right choice for me. I was not ready to give up what little residual hearing I had until recently. So far so good! I am really looking forward two having two ears again.

Exactly. Good luck.. All the best...
Thank you nattie and Hask!!!! That's exactly what I meant! Krazykat, maybe ask your audi if you could do an in booth trial of super power hearing aids. Some of the newer digital ones are really good!
fair joure, you misunderstand I do not support UNIVERSAL coverage of a second implant. I DO support it in cases like absolutly NO benifit (even enviromental sound benifit) in the second ear or things like tintuas or severe recruitment or even when the first implant only gives something like 60% ish speech perception. I just think that even with the loosened canidacy requiremets, that b/c a CI is so expensive and b/c we are currently going through an extreme healthcare cost crises, that a second CI needs to be reserved for absolute worst cases. Many folks can still benifit from the input from a hearing aid you know....b/c it works together.

I will talk to the audiologist as I got a new hearing aid upgrade soon. If not working and will ask him to get the powerful one to see if works. If not, I probably most likely go for bilateral.
faire joure, you're assuming that latest cutting edge technology is ALWAYS the best option.
I'm NOT advocating universal "one implant!" Please learn to read. It's a FACT that different people respond differently to different forms of hearing assistance. There are actually MANY people who can and do benifit significently from a bimodal approach. And there are MANY people who have hoh losses who are only aided in one ear.
faire joure, you're assuming that latest cutting edge technology is ALWAYS the best option.
I'm NOT advocating universal "one implant!" Please learn to read. It's a FACT that different people respond differently to different forms of hearing assistance. There are actually MANY people who can and do benifit significently from a bimodal approach. And there are MANY people who have hoh losses who are only aided in one ear.

If they are a candidate in their second ear, by definition they do not get benefit from a hearing aid in that ear :roll: Yes, I do believe that for a CI candidate a CI will be the best option (for those who choose it).