Big Mexican baby


SAC Class of 05
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Jan 5, 2005
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Two babies and both over 11 lbs? Ay caramba!! That alone should keep Mom from having more kids. Junior is twice the size that I was at birth.

'Super Tonio' causes sensation in Cancun - Yahoo! News

'Super Tonio' causes sensation in Cancun
Thu Feb 1, 10:51 PM ET

He is called "Super Tonio," and at a whopping birth weight of 14.1 pounds, the little fellow is causing a sensation in this Mexican resort city.

Cancun residents have crowded the nursery ward's window to see Antonio Vasconcelos, who was born early Monday by Caesarean section. The baby, who weighed 14.5 pounds Wednesday, drinks 5 ounces of milk every three hours, and measures 22 inches in length.

"We haven't found any abnormality in the child, there are some signs of high blood sugar, and a slight blood infection, but that is being controlled so that the child can get on with his normal life in a few more days," Narciso Perez Bravo, the hospital's director, said on Wednesday.

In Brazil, a baby born in January 2005 in the city of Salvador weighed 16 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. According to Guinness World Records, the heaviest baby born to a healthy mother was a boy weighing 22 pounds, 8 ounces, born in Aversa, Italy, in September 1955.

Antonio's mother, Teresa Alejandra Cruz, 23, and father, Luis Vasconcelos, 38, said they were proud of the boy, and noted that Cruz had given birth to a baby girl seven years ago who weighed 11.46 pounds.

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OH MAN!!! ouch.. OUCH! Holy crap Batman.. them are some HUGE babies...
I hope the mother is ok. I hope she had c-section than natural birth..Phew!! Huge baby!!
WOW! What a big babies!!! As long as they are healthy, that's all count!
Whoa....those babies beat me. lol I was 9.5 pounds when I birth. Yeah...poor for my mom. lol....and poor mexican mother, too.
Wonder if the mom has a small waist since most Mexican women are petite. I was watching the news about the baby when they put a 7 lb newborn next to him and I was like WWWWHHHHHOOOAAAAAA!!!!!
Oh vey! The new mum must be very relieved not to be pregnant any longer! However, she'll have to contend holding a heavy baby for months on end. Let's hope she won't get tennis elbow or anything.
i read in sun newspaper of London,England about that same story!

its really huge baby 14.9 pounds i cant hold that baby for sakes!

my young 2 cousin born 10 lbs in 1997 and 11lbs in 2001 its really new record like that but i hold my cousin when was born in 2001 but aint heavy for me yeah really heavy baby! so this year my baby cousin was born at 8lbs its small baby not huge baby so my baby cousin had palates on their lips and had 2 surgery last nov.30 2006 and last January 16th but my baby cousin doing fine.
Damn! I wonder what she's been doing to make this happen! A special diet or what? :dunno: