Big family troubles

Oh, wow. The closest is the one where saying goodbye takes a solid hour. That's as close as I get. Anything else I've never encountered, and I have a large family, but I don't even know where they all live.
I don't see any of these as being an issue and my family is giant... like, bigger than most families I have ever met... We breed like rabbits large.... :shock: You take individual family photos and send them to each other, and there are various other things in this I have never had an issue with... :dunno2:
My Mom comes from a family of 7 siblings so I can see why she talks loud.
My Mom comes from a family of 7 siblings so I can see why she talks loud.

My dad came from a family of 11 and my mom a family of
All my dads bros/sis only had a couple kids if 1.... I think one brother had 3 or 4? My moms side, her bro and sis had up to 4 average.

People back in the days had so many kids because of deseases, and a lot of children died, reason for big families. Today with better medicines and less illnesses people are having fewer children.
I know my 2 are
Could relate to good majority of them. Lol at 23, I don't say the goodbyes for this reason but my mother... Once took her two hours while I took a nap in the car. Geez.