Bible Time Line

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I don't think it's accurate. According to the Bible, the Earth is several thousands of years old. According to scientists, the Earth is millions... billions of years old.

Who's telling the truth?

If you want to call scientists liars, you might as well forget about all the other breakthrus that they have achieved.

If you want to believe scientists, you might as well call God a liar.


hahah you are funny!!!
U agree to what? If u are using a business computer to get access to AD then u are not doing your job that u are getting paid for it so I am assuming that many of u have personal computers, right? U have to say thank u to scientists who invented computers so u can get on AD. :giggle:
To use a "personal" computer is at home, not "work at home." To use a "business" computer is at work outside home such as Bank, hospital, gov't, etc. If you work at home, I would say it is your "business" computer. For a 'business" computer, you can work on any information from many private companies or gov't, credit card, medical records because it can control many people out there anywhere. For your "personal" computer, you can control your own such as digital pictures, your privacy, etc.


Two words for you : Radiometric Dating.

If you dont know what this is, Google is your best friend.
Yep, that has proven that Earth is older than that.

If God made it seem that way, then that would prove that God is messing with our minds and that would make God evil. ;)
To use a "personal" computer is at home, not "work at home." To use a "business" computer is at work outside home such as Bank, hospital, gov't, etc. If you work at home, I would say it is your "business" computer. For a 'business" computer, you can work on any information from many private companies or gov't, credit card, medical records because it can control many people out there anywhere. For your "personal" computer, you can control your own such as digital pictures, your privacy, etc.

How does that relate to this topic? I know the difference between personal and business computers. My point was if people who dont believe in scientists and call them fraud or wrong all the time...then why use computers cuz that is how computers got here in the first place? Scientists invented the computers, didnt they? Your comment about personal and business computers didnt make sense to me so I was asking u for clarification.
Yep, that has proven that Earth is older than that.

If God made it seem that way, then that would prove that God is messing with our minds and that would make God evil. ;)

good point there...
To use a "personal" computer is at home, not "work at home." To use a "business" computer is at work outside home such as Bank, hospital, gov't, etc. If you work at home, I would say it is your "business" computer. For a 'business" computer, you can work on any information from many private companies or gov't, credit card, medical records because it can control many people out there anywhere. For your "personal" computer, you can control your own such as digital pictures, your privacy, etc.

Who cares if one use personal or business, the point is that
technology (personal & business) paves the path for us deaf people. All thanks to rational people who doesn't follow the "holy" book.
Yep, that has proven that Earth is older than that.

If God made it seem that way, then that would prove that God is messing with our minds and that would make God evil. ;)

To me , he's sadistic.
posted the following on an atheist vs. Christian debate website. I have not become an atheist, just a disillusioned, disenchanted, disheartened former Christian who is convinced that God falls into one of three categories: one, he's an apathetic, ambivalent, indifferent absentee landlord, two, a sadist, or three, suffers with multiple-personality disorder. I CHALLENGE YOU TO PROVE TO ME THAT MY ANALOGY IS FLAWED.

The post was titled "Is God a Sadistic Monster?" A judge brings a frightened 18 year old girl before his court. The girl has committed no "crimes" per se, but has committed many of the same "sins" that an average young woman of her age might have committed in the course of her short life, i.e. white lies, masturbation, "mouthing off" to parents and authority figures, cheating in school, and a host of other petty misdeeds. The judge tells the girl that she will be allowed no legal representation. No one will be permitted to speak on her behalf but she herself. The judge tells this girl that although her "crimes" are minor, she will be taken out, doused in gasoline, set ablaze, and then thrown into a vat of sulfuric acid while she is still burning.. Then he, the judge, will stand over this vat and listen to her beg and scream for mercy until she finally expires in excruciating inconceivable agony.NOW, this is going to require an inordinate amount of objectivity on the part of any fundamentalist or evangelical reading this, which, having been one, I know is probably beyond your capacity. However, in all honesty, what would society call this judge? Righteous? Pure? Merciful? PLEASE!! Don't delude yourself! It is a safe bet that society would probably call him a sadistic beast not worthy to live on the same planet with decent human beings!Now, this same girl appears before "The Sinner's Judgment" withthe Honorable Judge Jesus Christ presiding! He also tells her that she will not be allowed legal representation. For no other reason than because she failed to "mouth out" the "sinners prayer", this merciless brute of a God (I use God and Jesus interchangeably because Christians consider them the same) will throw this terrified young, barely beyond adolescence (but beyond the scripturally ambiguous "age of accountability"), girl into the "Lake of Fire", a fate approximately one million times more agonizing than what the Earthly judge subjected her to.Now, what makes God, Jesus, whomever, any different than this Earthly judge? How is God different morally? Ultimately, there is no difference, and I have, in fact, "called the Emperor naked". For Godto throw ANY person into eternal fire where they will never die and never know respite, and scream and wail while God and Jesus treat it as "music to their ears" is such a morally unconscionable act it beggars description!! The fact is, God is a two-faced hypocrite who employs a "double standard". He claims not to tolerate cruelty and inhumanity, and he will become the most inhumane, vicious, merciless, animalistic brutal sadistic monster ever in history when, on Judgment Day, he throws the billions of "lost souls" into this eternal barbecue pit. Now, I would like to confront the most common(and inherently inane and ludicrous) arguments that Christians use to get God "off the hook" to keep him from appearing as I have described.
ARGUMENT 1)"God doesn't send anyone to Hell, they put themseles there!": Okay, so you're saying that if a person who dies "in their sins" stands before God and takes a good hard look at Hell, that he has the option to "decline"? Please! Get real! The Bible clearly states that the lost will be "cast"(the operative word here is "cast", not briskly walked, not gingerly ran, not eagerly waltzed) into the Lake of Fire! Now, lest you accuse me of being obtuse, I do understand what you're endeavoring to say, that being, that if a person "rejects Christ as their Lord and savior, doesn't repent of their sins, yadda, yadda, yadda," they have, by default, chosen of their own free will to go to Hell. The flaw in this "defense" is that it is a twist on the warnings that Draconian tyrants, emperors, and dictators have given their subjects since time immemorial. That as long as you play the game by their rules, they won't subject you to unspeakable torture! However, it doesn't make Hell one degree cooler whether or not God decides or the "sinners" decide where they spend eternity. It is still a morally unconscionable Draconian punishment. It's analogous to saying that if a father decides to allow his child to voluntarily dive into a shark-infested pool as a self-inflicted punishment for "wrong-doing", that gets dear old Dad "off the hook".
ARGUMENT 2) "The Lake of Fire was designed and prepared for the Devil and his angels, not people." Okay, but regardless, God intends to throw the lost into it. It may not "originally" have been meant for people, but God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, has decided to take "the more, the merrier" approach, and use it as the primary method of eternal punishment for sinners. He has therefore, by default, designed it for both Devils and people.

Debunking Christianity: Is God a Sadistic Monster?

Good blog I say. :cheers:
Religion in all forms has always been used as a way to explain that which man could not explain any other way. As our scientific knowledge advances, we are able to explain that which had no explantion before, and relied on religion to give answers. As someone else said, when man wrote the Bible, he didn't have the scientific knowledge available to him that we have now. He explained things the only way he knew how. Hopefully, though, we would not fall into that trap today. There was a time that man thought all disease was caused by possession from evil spirits. We now know better.
Religion in all forms has always been used as a way to explain that which man could not explain any other way. As our scientific knowledge advances, we are able to explain that which had no explantion before, and relied on religion to give answers. As someone else said, when man wrote the Bible, he didn't have the scientific knowledge available to him that we have now. He explained things the only way he knew how. Hopefully, though, we would not fall into that trap today. There was a time that man thought all disease was caused by possession from evil spirits. We now know better.


That makes sense. :)
How does that relate to this topic? I know the difference between personal and business computers. My point was if people who dont believe in scientists and call them fraud or wrong all the time...then why use computers cuz that is how computers got here in the first place? Scientists invented the computers, didnt they? Your comment about personal and business computers didnt make sense to me so I was asking u for clarification.
No, not always! Engineers invented the first computers in the 1940's. Not all engineers are scientists. Different inventors invented different other parts such as microprocessors, graphical interface, etc. I am against any scientists who lied about something against the Bible. I support any scientists who tell the facts what the Bible already announced.
Religion in all forms has always been used as a way to explain that which man could not explain any other way. As our scientific knowledge advances, we are able to explain that which had no explantion before, and relied on religion to give answers. As someone else said, when man wrote the Bible, he didn't have the scientific knowledge available to him that we have now. He explained things the only way he knew how. Hopefully, though, we would not fall into that trap today. There was a time that man thought all disease was caused by possession from evil spirits. We now know better.

QFT. Bible was wrote by mortal men. they are very limited with what they know in their time.
Religion in all forms has always been used as a way to explain that which man could not explain any other way. As our scientific knowledge advances, we are able to explain that which had no explantion before, and relied on religion to give answers. As someone else said, when man wrote the Bible, he didn't have the scientific knowledge available to him that we have now. He explained things the only way he knew how. Hopefully, though, we would not fall into that trap today. There was a time that man thought all disease was caused by possession from evil spirits. We now know better.

When there's something that can't be explained, we look at it as a miracle or as magic... perhaps an "Act of God".

Magic is logically viewed as a kind of technology that isn't understood.

If you were to go back in time and confront a caveman with a lighter, what would that caveman do? He would treat you like a god... the god of fire. That caveman doesn't have an understanding of the technology behind the function of the lighter... so he looks at it as an "act of a god"... you.

When there's something that can't be explained, we look at it as a miracle or as magic... perhaps an "Act of God".

Magic is logically viewed as a kind of technology that isn't understood.

If you were to go back in time and confront a caveman with a lighter, what would that caveman do? He would treat you like a god... the god of fire. That caveman doesn't have an understanding of the technology behind the function of the lighter... so he looks at it as an "act of a god"... you.

OOH I would love to see that! That would be hilarous!

"Oh right. Standing upright, discovering fire, the wheel, laying the foundation for all mankind. Sorry we couldn't get that to ya sooner"
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