Being Gay...most agravating


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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What is the most aggravating thing being gay you have experienced? This is other than family situations and not being accepted. I have 2 one is Str8 women always saying either "you are just gay because you haven't met the right woman yet" To which i reply, "you are right, but she has a penis and no breasts and is VERY masculin! LOL" or when str8 women want to "convert" me. um no thanks. so what is yours?
i guess it would be annoying when straight men are scared of me but actually i find that hilarious. You are a grown ass man and you jump and get away from me??? just because i am gay??? LMAO how could that be anything but funny?? That is just me though!!!:cool:
What is the most aggravating thing being gay you have experienced? This is other than family situations and not being accepted. I have 2 one is Str8 women always saying either "you are just gay because you haven't met the right woman yet" To which i reply, "you are right, but she has a penis and no breasts and is VERY masculin! LOL" or when str8 women want to "convert" me. um no thanks. so what is yours?
i guess it would be annoying when straight men are scared of me but actually i find that hilarious. You are a grown ass man and you jump and get away from me??? just because i am gay??? LMAO how could that be anything but funny?? That is just me though!!!:cool:

That is funny about your perfect woman has a penis and no breasts! LOL!

I am surprised that str8 women try to convert u. Is that common with gay men? I just know for sure that I have been attracted to some gay men due to their sexy looks and nice asses but I wouldnt dream of trying to convert them. Not respectful.
Yeah... All I know was gays were aggravating due to lots of bashings... Straight people should learn to accept them as who they are....
yep happens more than i can say. Kiss me, which is fine, then hand down my pants, WHAO stop right there!! Offers of sex. Got a new apt, let me help you break it in. Got a new bed, let me help you break it in. And OH the worst, I'll wear a strap on!!! EEEWW NO!!!
for those who don't know a strap on is a fake penis that some women use, it straps on similar to a harness and you can use it like a penis.
yep happens more than i can say. Kiss me, which is fine, then hand down my pants, WHAO stop right there!! Offers of sex. Got a new apt, let me help you break it in. Got a new bed, let me help you break it in. And OH the worst, I'll wear a strap on!!! EEEWW NO!!!
for those who don't know a strap on is a fake penis that some women use, it straps on similar to a harness and you can use it like a penis.

I like the 'have you tried being straight?' question. Have you tried being gay? What makes my desire just my failure to 'try hard enough' while yours is so natural?
Southern you hit it on the nail with the issue of people not getting that you're really not interested. My favorite: 'how will you know if you don't try it', at which point I ask the straight man why he doesn't just try having sex with a man and he tells me 'thats different'. There's no difference.
Most aggravating? Gee, there are so many... :P

I think one of the most aggravating things is getting the "So which one of you is the man, and which one is the woman" question. Guess what, buddy... we're BOTH men, get it? Shall I draw you a picture?

Also, I hate the stereotyping. Like assuming I know anything about interior design, or cutting hair, or anything having to do with Martha Stewart!

One thing I've often found amusing is how jealous some straight men get of the kind of relationship I have with their girlfriends/wives, etc.
LMGAO!! yeah me too, i love that. The thing, since i am gay, is that we are both men. No male or femal thing about it. Yeah i get that stereotype thing too. But with my extremely deep voice and southern accent some don't pick up on the fact that i am gay. Once they find out though, "so does this match??" LOL
Or at this one company i worked at people that i knew in passing, just "hey how are you" type people.... They would suddenly come up to me and ask me where to get this drug or that drug. So i would say, "because i am gay i am supposed to know where to get drugs????" they would say, YEAH! um okay the drugs i use you can get at Walgreens and thanks for acting like you know me!! LOL or where the best sex shops are!!! LOL silly straight people! =)
I hate it when people say "Do you have a girlfriend?" to which I just reply "No." Then they try to hook me up with someone, I just say "I am taken." and they can't even figure it out how I am taken, but not have a girlfriend. Once I had two interpreters teaming together, and one guy interpreter asked if I had a gf, to which I said no, and later on, the female interpreter said "how is your boyfriend?!" and it was funny seeing the male interpreter's reaction. He said to me "Why didn't you tell me before?" I said "I did, I answered your question honestly as possible, it was just that you didn't ask the right question." He smiled and nodded, apologising for the assumption he had made. Sometimes these situations are funny to play around with people's mind.

The other thing though is that my bf's name is Kim, so sometimes I talk about Kim this and that, and people think that Kim is my girlfriend. When they meet Kim for the first time, they meet an oriential guy and it is funny to see people's reaction. *grin*
So which one of you is the man, and which one is the woman"
Tell me about it........god talk about fucked up idears of gender roles.
When I make love, I just make love.........doesn't matter whether or not the outside is male or female.
Ok this may not fit idk ok most people know i'm Bi but recently i've been leaning more to les anyway so I was talking to one of my best gay friends who thought i was straight and on discovering i was bi asked me if I was postive because my hair wasn't extremely short.
Deaf gay people in Seattle area are on the opposite. They just don't like to social with straight people even they were being friendly and open minded. I've done that before but I feel rejected by them, so blast them!
Deaf gay people in Seattle area are on the opposite. They just don't like to social with straight people even they were being friendly and open minded. I've done that before but I feel rejected by them, so blast them!

Wow, not surprised about it.

I'm not opposite with straight people except for bible thumpers and people that who is conservative, also insult my personal and debate with me.
yep happens more than i can say. Kiss me, which is fine, then hand down my pants, WHAO stop right there!! Offers of sex. Got a new apt, let me help you break it in. Got a new bed, let me help you break it in. And OH the worst, I'll wear a strap on!!! EEEWW NO!!!
for those who don't know a strap on is a fake penis that some women use, it straps on similar to a harness and you can use it like a penis.
HAHAHAH, I know how that goes, man, when you comment, OOPs, I'm pitchin my tent, trying to make it soft, lol. You got me a hard on. LOL
Haha, I just act straight and they don't even know shit about me. My personal sexual preference is not their businesses, so they need to mind their own beeswaxes and not be nosy.
Haha, I just act straight and they don't even know shit about me. My personal sexual preference is not their businesses, so they need to mind their own beeswaxes and not be nosy.

I agree with you, bec before I opened myself that I am gay, tooo many kept asking me if it's true that I am gay, I told them it is improper way to ask me if I am. It's been going on for 20 years till about 4 yrs ago that I am. But during thru my life, I've been struggling.
I hate it when people say "Do you have a girlfriend?" to which I just reply "No." Then they try to hook me up with someone, I just say "I am taken." and they can't even figure it out how I am taken, but not have a girlfriend. Once I had two interpreters teaming together, and one guy interpreter asked if I had a gf, to which I said no, and later on, the female interpreter said "how is your boyfriend?!" and it was funny seeing the male interpreter's reaction. He said to me "Why didn't you tell me before?" I said "I did, I answered your question honestly as possible, it was just that you didn't ask the right question." He smiled and nodded, apologising for the assumption he had made. Sometimes these situations are funny to play around with people's mind.

The other thing though is that my bf's name is Kim, so sometimes I talk about Kim this and that, and people think that Kim is my girlfriend. When they meet Kim for the first time, they meet an oriential guy and it is funny to see people's reaction. *grin*

:giggle: that is awesome!
I like how you just answered their question and didn't mention the boyfriend.
People automatically assume you're straight.
I usually ask people, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I think it's mainly because I have a lot of friends who are bisexual.
So I understand that not everyone is straight :P
Silly str8t folks

I live in a nice sized city. I can't stand the fact when dumb str8t people who just found out that I'm gay, automatically assume I Know every damn gay person in this damn city. You know the question, "OMG I used to work with this person who was gay his/ her name was so and so you know who I am talking about." I'm usually like no FOOL I don't know them. My friend was telling me he finds that really funny cuz he says it happens to him also (he's black) and everyone is always asking if you know this other person just cuz they black. :| :squint: :eek2:
I agree with some of you guys. I know it can be very agravating but don't forget that everybody are allowed to entitle their own opinion about people. Freedom is freedom.
Here's my very simple story.

My parents found out that I was bi because they caught my porn.
My brother found out that I was bi because he caught my porn.
My anut found out that I was bi because of my parents rumors.
My anut's boyfriend found out that I was bi from my anut rumors.

No one else in my family know I was bi except my parents, my brother, my anut and her boyfriend. They respected me as well.

Yeah I agree with many of you, it's really funny when the straight people got confused till they finally found out that person was gay.

Sometimes it's annoying when some of my families that don't know I was bi kept telling me like "You should go to college, there's lot of hot girls!", "Let's go to the fair, and find a hot girl!", etc etc. EVEN I don't give a laugh, I just nodding.