being deaf rocks but how do i get people to see that

deaf girl

New Member
Jan 21, 2009
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what up guys my name is ashley and i am hard of hearing and deaf but my friends and family dont accepted that any advice on what to do thanks
When they can't sleep because there is a truck backing up outside... show them how you can just drift off into sleep.

If you sign, when you're at a concert or a loud restaurant and they can't hear each other talking, just show off your signing skills.

Don't tell them being Deaf is awesome, show them! It's much more effective. <wink>
what up guys my name is ashley and i am hard of hearing and deaf but my friends and family dont accepted that any advice on what to do thanks

Develop a few interests outside of deafness to make you more interesting.
Use your connection to the visual and tactile world to the fullest. Visual art, dancing, whatever you enjoy doing.
Keep in mind that its not the disability people appreciate, but the ability of that person. College was my best experience to exploit my abilities and grow friendships. I lost my hearing with 1 semester left to go in college and nobody gave me any freebies; it was hard, but I sure do appreciate the growth and learning I've gained.