Before you became an adult, what did you want to be?


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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When I was growing up, I wanted to either work in science or astronomy, but being Deaf/HoH, neither one now is realistic.

Today? I want to work either in the newspaper business or work with deaf people on computers somehow. Opening my own computer fix-it business wouldn't go amiss, either.

What did you want to be growing up?
I either wanted to be in the Army or the Merchant Navy, but I kept putting it off and putting it off.... until 1999 when I landed a Job doing Contract wok for for various Military Organisations - did that for 5 years, then applied for the Army Reserves when I emigrated to Australia, so my hearing loss showed up then so that was that (besides I was getting a little old by then - I'm sure the only good I would have been in Afghanistan or Iraq would be as a Target!!)

If I had my time again, I'd join the Armed Forces, or maybe a Paramedic, or even something like working abroad for a charity or clearing landmines - just a job where I could do some good in the world :)
I wanted to be an archaeologist or astronomer or Emma Peel.
Astronaut of course. Wasn't so interested when we stopped going to the moon, though.
Wanted to be a doctor but veered off towards ICT, curiosity took the better part of me.
I wanted to be a lawyer or R&B singer. My speech problems (stuttering) and hearing problems cancelled those dreams.

I'm retired now.

Now that I'm an adult,I'd like to be an investor if I ever hit the lotto. :) LOL
When I was growing up, I wanted to either work in science or astronomy, but being Deaf/HoH, neither one now is realistic.

I gotta ask, why do you think that's unrealistic? You don't need perfect hearing to look at stars or use microscopes? :hmm:
Me? OK, promise that you will not laugh. I wanted to be a fashion designer.

As a kid I wanted to be a millionaire CEO mainly due to the fact I come from a poor background. McDonalds was considered fine dining and I was on a steady diet of ramen noodles and crackers.

But now that I'm mid-aged earning a comfortable living I've learned that money doesn't buy happiness. It's your perspective and a positive attitude that counts.
As a kid I wanted to be a millionaire CEO mainly due to the fact I come from a poor background. McDonalds was considered fine dining and I was on a steady diet of ramen noodles and crackers.

But now that I'm mid-aged earning a comfortable living I've learned that money doesn't buy happiness. It's your perspective and a positive attitude that counts.

If you are middle aged, then I am too!! Don't make me feel old!!

Believe it or not, but back then, I thought it would be cool to be a body builder!!!
If you are middle aged, then I am too!! Don't make me feel old!!

Believe it or not, but back then, I thought it would be cool to be a body builder!!!
If you were a body builder, a turbocharged car would be a good match for you like Van Diesel. All girls including Jess and Amber and maybe even Reba would be all over you. :cool2:
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Back then, I thought of wanting to be a Register Nurse or Chorus Ballerina dancer but gave up the ideas. I really don't know what I wanted to be when I was young and also leading up to graduation from high school. :(
If you were a body builder, a turbocharged car would be a good match for you like Van Diesel. All girls including Jess and Amber would be all over you. :cool2:

Let's just hope that women are all over guys like me who no longer have anything turbocharged and is old!!!