Bass fishing Deaf style

nice for up in canada but im in alabama we got no pike here haha
but i love meeting other fishermen and women HEY we can TALK fish!:giggle:
I do like any kind of fishing and i do have northern pike in Ohio but it hard to find them here.

Heh, it remind me when I go 1st cast then the lure start lay on water right there by the side rock base and then northern pike strike about few sec. It scare me out then pull and got the pike on hook. During the fighting I think it was carp but it not because I saw pike's tail is orange and also movement are going wild then the line snap during 15 sec fight. I was so mad that I haven't touch northern pike long time.
Loves to fish! Salt Water fishing here!

Do find myself with the kids fishing for cats and brims in our backyard.
Wirelessly posted

I like to go bass fishing every year either alone or with friends. I find it both relaxing and fun. :)
Hmmm I think it time to go fishing right now and it almost spring season. I guess going for Small-Mouth Bass, Walleye or Sauger for now.

do ya think it is time?
Yes, I love fishing. I catch large-mouth bass with my dad while in tournament. I caught 4 lbs. Twice!
Oh Yeah I loves to fishing ....... I used to be fishing at Saginaw Bay, Mi for the Walleye and Perches.. :wave: