Barnes & Noble Nook eReader


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May 9, 2011
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I wanted to know if anyone one has one. I do and your welcome to add me to your friends to lend/borrow books with me. I am currently writing a book about a girl who spends the summer with her grandma and befriends a Deaf girl named Lauren who ends up attending the same school as her in the fall. Would anyone be interested in reading it? I am going to post it on Barnes & Noble eBooks for free. :)
There was a lengthy thread about this just a short while ago. Search for that thread, and you will see who is using which e-reader.
I am also wondering if anyone would want to read a book about a hearing girl making friends with a Deaf girl and what are their insights.
Chapter One

“Allison! Are you done changing into your swimsuit?” Called Grandma from the kitchen. She was busy packing sodas and sandwiches into the cooler for us to take to the pool. I could hear her softly humming to herself and the sounds of her getting ice out of the freezer as I walked into the room.

A big smile appeared on my face when she turned around. She smiled and dumped the rest of the ice into the cooler. “It’s not to loose is it?” She asked as she motioned for me to turn around. “No, it fits good,” I said. “Well, then lets get a move on. Did you put sunscreen on your face and shoulders?” Grandma asked while stacking the towels on top of our cooler. “Yes Gram,” I sighed.

We headed out the door without another word. It wasn’t even noon yet and the Texas heat was already beating down on us. As we walked towards the pool from her apartment I could hear the splashing and laughter from other kids. I was hoping my friend Beth was there. She lived in the apartment across from the pool with her dad.

I ran to open the gate for my grandma. As we walked in I could see Beth with her back turned towards me. We got to the table under the canopy and I hurriedly slid off my flip-flops. I walked to the edge cannon-balled into the pool. As I swam over to Beth she was talking to another girl. “Hi Beth!,” I called out to her.

“Allison! I didn’t expect you to be here till next week!” Beth exclaimed. She had been my friend since I was four years old. We had always been close friends and talked on the phone frequently during the school year. I couldn’t help giggling because I knew her dad didn’t tell her. I ran into him yesterday evening while walking to the mailbox with my grandma. “I saw your dad yesterday while walking with Gram to the mailbox. He didn’t mention anything to you,” I giggled.
