Bad Luck Streak


New Member
Feb 23, 2012
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so in the last week i have managed to: slice my toe open while pulling up baseboards in the hallway on friday, saturday i stopped to get gas and managed to scrap my hand on my broken taillight, Sunday i nicked myself for the first time in months, Monday was the only off day so far, Tuesday i cut my finger open with a knife that was too big for cutting pineapple, wednesday i was tagged by a car while walking in the crosswalk. i think its time i moved to a deserted island with nothing but a humongous book (but even then i'd prolly get a papercut).

Just wanted to know if anyone else is also experiencing this run of bad luck.
Not at the moment, but I certainly have had weeks like that. :lol:

At least it probably will only get better.
Thursday, someone is laughing at your bad luck streak in AllDeaf.
I have definitely had weeks like this. I have had a severe allergic reaction and I am Irish. When I saw this silly joke while itching I had to laugh.

What do you get when you cross poison ivy and a four leaf clover???????

A rash of good luck. Hahahaha
Wirelessly posted

Angle1989 said:
I have definitely had weeks like this. I have had a severe allergic reaction and I am Irish. When I saw this silly joke while itching I had to laugh.

What do you get when you cross poison ivy and a four leaf clover???????

A rash of good luck. Hahahaha

When my grandma has bad luck all in a row, she throws down a glass filled with water to "break the spell". :hmm:

I hope you used up all your bad luck and now will only have good days for a while.
You should wrap yourself in bubblewrap and be very still.

It sounds like you've had a painful week. I have those weeks also, but it usually involves me banging my head into random objects because I'm dizzy. Hope it gets better for you :)
so its the day after i was hit (struck tagged bumped what-have-you) and i don't feel to sore. my hip hurts a little but not really anymore than usual.