
New Member
Feb 4, 2009
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I'm thinking about getting a CART provider for during my classes.. could you guys tell me about your good experiences, bad experiences and what you look for in a good CART provider?
I've had a pretty good experience with CART, but one thing to keep in mind is that the captioning is not perfect. Especially the first few classes. It takes time for the provider to install the specific subject dictionary into the captioning program and to practice the series of keys that will produce the word.

CART is done based on phonetics, so the provider types what they hear and the program translates it into an actual word. For me, I grew up hearing and then suffered hearing loss, so CART is good for me because I can figure out the word phonetically by saying it in my head if it doesn't look right on the computer screen. I can't imagine it would be as easy for someone with minimal speech training however.

I was surprised at how inaccurate it was at times and it made me feel lost during the lecture occasionally. Any technical glitches were typically rectified as soon as possible.

The CART provider should introduces themselves to the teacher but cannot say which student they are there to help. Most professors are not familiar with CART (at least in my experience). My provider always emailed me copies of the notes after "cleaning them up".