Baby's Gender


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
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I found it out. It's a BOY!!!!
Congratulations! If I remember right, your husband wanted a boy and you wanted a girl, but I know you are going to have a great time. :)
*passes out blue cigars*


That's another point for the men! :thumb:
Thank you! I don't mind to have a boy. My friends told me boys always be FUN!!!! I will try to have a girl later.

You thought my baby is a girl but it's a boy! I saw the winkie on ultrasound. LoL
congrats on expecting boy,pinky

im hope you get girl somedays dont worry..
Sweet! I'm sure your son will be protector of little sibling(s) if he have one or more sisters and/or brothers. :P


How do your hubby feel about his gender?! :D
Congratulations!! Your hubby will be happy!! Hehe!! I agree, your son will be a protector of his future sisters/brothers if you choose to have any more!! My brother was always protective of me and my sister and playing with us!! He is still protective although he doesnt like to show it :) He is sneaky. hehe..!!!

Have a great and long pregnancy :)
CONGRATS! So join the boy club! We have 2 beautiful boys and we'll love to have a girl one day....wait and see! :) So enjoy rest of your pregnancy!!! :dance2:
Yea for boys! I have two boys and they are fun! You'll love having a little boy. :D
Thank y'all!! :) Of course, my husband is so GLOWING to have a boy. His side family's give a birth girls first. It's his first time in family. My both side family gave a birth boys first then girls are last. :)
Taking care of boy is really easy. I should know as I have one! lol They're really fun to be around. :)
Taking care of boy is really easy. I should know as I have one! lol They're really fun to be around. :)

Yeah! That what my friends said boys are fun!!!!! I can't wait! I love fun to do with my own kids in future. One of my friend said boy is better than girls because girls always play with makeup, dress, buy some bras when they are teens. Boys don't wear makeup like this. LoL
Have you picked few names you and your husband like so far for baby boy? And are you excited for baby shower? They're always fun! And soooo many gifts!
I wouldn't say that it's been easy to rear boys. They are wild bundles of energy. My house is very LOUD! Boys can be very sensitive, too.

IMHO, the social issues are easier with boys. Girl social structure and interaction is very complicated, especially at middle school. Lots of drama!
Ha ha it depends on girl and boy's behavior, attitude and social issue.

Just one thing is that emotional issue that boy is easier than girl to handle. I have girl and boy. But there are some that girls are easier to handle than boy that i can't recall of. LOL. But, For example, my girl wants something so bad that i ask her to wait to earn something first. Shes willing to. My boy won't and expect to have something NOW while it is his moment. :shock: Both are impossible in many different ways. hahah